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9:45 am

Kaira inspected the floor once more before approving it with a nod. The once glossy wooden floorboards of her living room had lost its sheen, its exterior coat timeworn. The papers and books which had worn down the surface were now shoved in closets and stacked in vacant corners of her flat.

"It had to do for now" she thought to herself, checking the time on her phone. She was cutting it close. She ran out her apartment once again and beelined straight to the marketplace without a clue as to what she'd be cooking for lunch.

It was true she had been collecting cooking books for studying, but she never actually took what she learned to the kitchen herself. She wouldn't have been able to properly test out her recipes anyways, she was at a bit of a loss when it came to the actual tasting.

Taste, something her genes prevented her from experiencing.

Except the mutated form.

Through trial and error, hundreds of tasteless bags of chips and heaps of plated food later did she finally experience the bitter taste of liquor and sweetness of chocolate. She was grateful, but it hadn't been the healthiest discovery.

The problem was, she couldn't get enough of it. She eventually found herself substituting liquor and chocolate for every meal of the day with a new addition of vitamin supplements to actually keep her alive. She knew it wasn't healthy, but every time she had a spoonful of virtually tasteless food, she could only yearn for a taste of something. Anything.

The select few who knew of her condition accepted her rooted inclination towards her limited selection of food. Save for one person.

She shook the thought away, refocusing her attention to the task at hand.

After roaming the entirety of the marketplace, she had gathered a basket full of greens and protein without any sort of inkling as to how she'd be incorporating the ingredients together.

She'd make it work, she thought to herself, her lips slanting into a reminiscent smile.

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