Nothing should taste like ass

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Nikki's POV

    Do you ever try to hang out with friends that are only a year or two younger than you, but because of the freaky sensation that the apocalypse is gonna come, that came from your intense ninja training, you can't concentrate and you can't tell your friends why you're in a funk? The answer, no? Probably, I'm the only in existence with the problem. The sensation that the other shoe was about to drop for the entire planet when I had gazed at the purple tinted storm clouds. It was like my ninja senses were telling me the apocalypse was coming. What if the feeling is nothing? What if it's something and the zombie apocalypse happens or World War III? Or both?! What if I need to use the thing from the box that Sensei Omino gave me before I left the Academy, but I can't because I still have no idea how to work that stupid thing?! Seriously, how do you make the gizmo go ding?! It should've come with an instruction manual!

    What would the object do? Would it help me control my lightning powers? Would it causes my powers to become even more unstable? My powers are already dangerous enough as it is. The damage I had done to the Academy while trying to control the lightning, not to mention how the students and mentors around me were hurt. I even temporarily paralyzed one of the mentors. If he hadn't had his Thunder Ninja training the lightning could of and probably would have killed him. That was enough proof of how deadly my powers could be. What would happen to the regular people who got caught in the crossfire of my powers? Would a hospital even have a chance to save them?

    "Yo!" Shane yells waving his hand in front of my face. I was sitting on the orange couch in front of a TV in Storm Chargers with Tori and Shane. There were about five costumers looking at the merchandise and two employees were doing inventory. Dustin was still working on a dirt bike in the back and for some reason had an alarming number of clocks.

    It's like he's trying to out do the White Rabbit.

    "Were you even listening?" Shane asks.

    "Of course." I lie.

    I need to stop getting lost in my head. Let's see Shane asking me a question, Tori looks like she's a amused, and throw in Shane's predictably. Got it.

    "What? You can totally nail that trick!" I say with false confidence. Tori looks suspicious and Shane looks shocked.

    "See, she thinks I can do it." Shane says with pride, now believing he could whatever hard trick he was saying he could do and Tori was saying he couldn't.

    "After you recover from the broken bones you'll get from the first, second, and third times you try it. Of course. Tori let's get some drinks." I say and Shane sends me a glare with no fire behind it. Tori and I went towards the Storm Chargers break room, which we have access to it because I work here and the owner and boss, Kelly, lets Tori in back because even though she doesn't work at the shop, she occasionally helps out the customers who are interested in surfing. "So, what the bloody hell does he think he's going to do now?" I question in fake British accent.

    "Nice accent. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were from England."

    "Thanks, I spent some time across the pond." I continue with the accent before dropping it. "So, the big trick."

    "I don't know what it's called, but some Pro stater did it on TV and it looked pretty hardcore." Tori pulls out 3 mugs from the cabinet. "Cocoa or your weird tea?"

    "How much do you want to bet he'll crash and burns when he tries it? And that weird tea helps keep me calm. So, yes and I know it's weird. It tastes like ass. Nothing should taste like ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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