Episode 3-Blast from the Past

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7 Years Ago
At Keystone City College -In an arena
MIGO:Let the contestants step forth!!!...Adeyemi McCurdlebreath....Tuttuh McCallington and Christopher Nevoe!!
[they come out]
Christopher:Both of you against me?![chuckles]
Adeyemi:What...we aren't good enough!
Chris:Er...today's not yer day!!
Tuttuh:We are going to beat you Chris!!
Chris:Adeyemi....it's not wise to make promises you can't keep! ...you and I know the outcome of this fight... Join me and we could be god...we would rule this city!!
Adeyemi:From my perspective... I think you're stalling... you are afraid!!
Chris:Very well, let's do this!
Adeyemi:[looks at Stephy,sees her holding a board,reads it]I believe in You...urgh.. This will be fun!![nods to MIGO]
Professor:[sits and watches]
[Tuttuh creates a blast then throws it to Chris, he blast it off then disappears behind her punching her, he flips her then smacks her to the ground, she spurts blood]
Adeyemi:Tuttuh!!...[zooms then holds her]Stay here!!
Chris:One down... One more to go!!
Adeyemi:Grr...[stands... Cracks his knuckles]Let's do this![teleports to him, holds Chris then knocks him off, he powers up a blast then tossed it to him, Chris disperses it, disappears then kicks Adeyemi from mid air knocking him off, punches him then throws a thin blast to him]
Adeyemi:Urgh[holds his head]
Chris:You should have joined me when you had the chance!....now...you lose!! [power up a blast in his hand]Now you'd die with yer ignorance!!
Prof:[stands]Chris...don't do this...
Chris:Aaaah....[looks at Adeyemi]...bye buddy!!![about to throw the blast, Adeyemi senses it then zooms to him blasting it off then kicks him]
Prof:[sits down]What?!!
Adeyemi:Urgh...you didn't feel that coming?!...
Chris:No...one has ever escaped my tyranny... You are powerful...
Chris:And yet, you are but a weakling beneath me...You can never defeat me... My wrath is undermining... Join me and escape my wrath!
Adeyemi:Why join you...you said I was powerful.... [cracks his neck]This staring contest is beginning to irritate me... Are we gonna do this or what?!
Chris:Very well....feel free to change your mind.. Anytime!![about to fly]
Chris:I didn't think it would be that fast!!
Adeyemi:No...I wanna prepare myself...
Stephy:[from the crowd]What are you doing, Adeyemi!
Chris:Come on!
Adeyemi:I'm preparing my will, [cracks his knuckles]..my mojo.. My...[disappears behind him then blast him off, he zooms to him then holds his neck, then punch him]Speed!!...This is for Tuttuh![punches him]...This is for me!...[punches him then creates a blast with his other hand]This is for... All those you ruined!! [blast him]
Chris:Urgh...[blasted away... He stands then cleans his mouth]That was...unexpected!!
Adeyemi:[about to attack]
Chris:Stop this right now!...you are nothing before me... You are meant to cower before my greatness....didn't you know... I am a True Breed... Your kind has always worshipped us...Urgh..None of you Half Breeds were worthy...your kind were hunted by us and now finally... I will be the one to hunt you down.. The last living Half Breed!
Adeyemi:One thing I hate about guys who call me names is those who abuse my kind!!!
[Adeyemi zooms to Chris then blast him off with his punch, he flies up then Adeyemi teleports behind him then kicks him, Chris throws a blast but Adeyemi manipulates it then throws it back at him...Chris got blasted off, he kneels then spurts blood,Adeyemi grins then flies to him with a blast, Chris eyes glows, then Adeyemi pauses on air with his blast fading away,he groans]
Adeyemi:Aargh...what's happening?![groans]
Chris:I control every limb of yer body...Every muscle...I am beyond you!
Adeyemi:[groaning, Chris twists his hand then makes him him kneel,Adeyemi groans loudly]Aaaaaarrrgghh!!!
Chris:Bow to your god!
Prof:Release him Chris,do it!
Chris:No...he is a weakling who needs to be remoulded!!
Prof:I said RELEASE HIM!!
Prof:[gets angry then zooms to Chris hitting his weak point making him paralyzed]
Adeyemi:[falls then faints]
Chris:[kneels, paralyzed]Da...damn you!
Prof:I'm dissapointed!!
Later At Adeyemi's Room
Adeyemi:Ouch...that hurts!
Stephy:Tcch..[applying ointment on his wounds]Thought you feel no pain... [applies it]
Adeyemi:That doesn't mean I can't feel it... Besides I use that as my model...you know.. Being godly...
Stephy:Speaking of gods...About today, how could you lose to Chris... I supported yer...
Adeyemi:That...fight was not fair... Chris is a senior and understands all power levels more than I do, it was pretty obvious where the tide will turn to!
Stephy:What...so...yer...giving up...just like that?!...
Adeyemi:No...how can you say that... I have never given up before and I'll never do... Trust me....I'd defeat Chris and I'd protect yer!
Stephy:But...[got kissed by Adeyemi]Stop...someone might see us!
Adeyemi:What?!...haven't seen a guy kissing his girlfriend?![kisses her]
Next day-At the Cafeteria
Stephy:He was like ouch!...that hurts...
Tuttuh:Ha..he could feel pain?!
Janet:That's not the Adeyemi I'd say I know... The Adeyemi I know wouldn't feel pain...
Adeyemi:[through gritted teeth]Can you please stop this Stephanie... Try to save my dignity... !
Samson:What was that he liked to say... Oh yes...Pain is an old friend...I totally get the part how old pain is!
Adeyemi:Aaaargh!!...Yer crushing my individuality!!
Just then
[Chris and his goons arrives]
Chris:[slams his hand on the table]Need a table for two?![Stephy, Tuttuh, Janet and Samson stands up while Chris sits]
Chris:Thank yer![his goons wanted to sit]Hey,hey...can't yer see gods are having a conversation here?!...ehn... Whistler?!
Whistler:I'm sorry master!
Adeyemi:What do you want...Chris?
Chris:What do I want?...or what do I need?!...I need yer Adeyemi!!
Adeyemi:What do you need me for?!
Chris:Both of us... We are supposedly the most powerful metant in this school!
Adeyemi:Hmmm...I figured out that part myself.. So what?
Chris:You and I could rule this Metants as gods!!
Adeyemi:And your point is?
Chris:We could bring suffering and pain to the dawn of man.. No one can stop us...we are mighty
Adeyemi:Hmmm....if by We... You mean both of us while you get to rule city and I... Your slave!!
Chris:If that's what defines my main idea?...I'm cool!
Adeyemi:Well,you got the definition of a God wrong!...besides you have yer goons, why trouble me!
Chris:They are but dispensable Low Breeds... Only to serve my will and command... None will ever be like yer!
Chris:Shut it...I didn't ask for ya to join the chat...
Adeyemi:Pity...You are naive, you are in the dark!
Chris:I do not live in darkness, it lives in me....Why force it back Adeyemi...I have seen yer future...I've yer mind.. I see you feel the lust...the rage...the death... I have seen it all.. You want to control everything...anything...why force it in... Join me and I'd make you just like me!
Chris:I am the only one that can help you unlock your true potentials...do you really think the immense power levels you go into is as a result of yer training?!...it's because of the hatred, the death,the wrath that lives in you... Join me!
Adeyemi:N....o... No....I miss the part where that's yer problem.. I don't wanna join yer and that's it!
Chris:And there's really nothing I can do to change your mind?!
Adeyemi:No for...No Occurrence!!...Why do I need you, I have everything,Stephanie,Tuttuh...Janet...Samson..The Professor...all of them...I have everything...I am free!
Chris:No...you're not... We both have a common enemy,humans...didn't you see what they did to you...they murdered your family cold blooded,they destroyed your kind...
Adeyemi:Stop it... Stop it!!
Chris:And you still wish to protect them, you're nothing but an outcast,you are not one of them!...they will always hate you....join me, together we will cast our vengeance upon them!
Adeyemi:[laughs]Humans...you fear them don't yer, they are your weakness...ha...yes... I can feel it... You want to use me as yer bait right,as your slave...to get to the humans[laughs]Never...I'll never join yer!...I'm better off ruling this world as a god by myself!
Chris:And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?!
Adeyemi:You said it!!
Chris:Ok,ok[stands up]
Adeyemi:Thank yer for your understanding!!
Chris:Yeah...right![levitates Stephanie towards him, holds her neck]How about now?!
Adeyemi:[stands]Let her go...Chris... This is between you and I!
Chris:Hmmm..not quite... Love is a disease which must be brought out of existence!
Adeyemi:So that's how you wanna play yer cards hun!
Chris:I believe it to be a display of superiority!
Stephy:[choking and groaning]ah...ah!
Janet:Stop it...you're hurting her! Chris:Shut it...delinquent!!...now where were we...Yes...I'm just gonna say this once...let die the woman you love OR join me in my quest of destruction!
Adeyemi:[laughs]So...this is how you wanna get back at me?!...I love this guy!
Chris:That was the only way[choking Stephanie]...So, what's you answer?!
Tuttuh:Let her go!! [all of them about to attack]
Chris:[blast them off then puts them in a force field]You aren't helping at all!!
Tuttuh:[hits the shield]Let us out!!
Samson:It's not worth it.. Tutts!
Adeyemi:[smirks]Ha...you locked up my friends too! [puts his hand behind him, creating a blast]
Chris:Now...choose! Or she dies!! Adeyemi:No...no...you can go ahead... Kill her! [laughs, powering up a blast behind him]
Chris:I..I should kill her...?!
Adeyemi:Yeah,go ahead...afterall,you said love is a disease which must be brought outta existence...I'm just playing my cards dirty!
Chris:You didn't love her?!
Adeyemi:It was a trick, a pretence...nothing more!
Chris:[turns Stephy towards him]So you wouldn't mind if I killed her?!
Stephy:[thinks]It can't be... He didn't love me.. He... He wouldn't say yes... He wouldn't say..
Adeyemi:Yes..yh... You can kill her![still powering up the blast]
Chris:Looks like yer boyfriend didn't love Uhn... I know right, you were beguiled to love fantasy!
Adeyemi:[peeks at his blast]You have no idea what's coming for yer!
Chris:[lifts her up...creates a blast sword]Good bye Stephanie!!
Janet:[In the field]No....Adeyemi can't do that... No!
Chris:[looks at Adeyemi then flips her up about to blast her off then Adeyemi throws his blast at Chris, he zooms then catches Stephy]
Adeyemi:Hey sweetheart!
Stephy:Am I dead?!
Adeyemi:You might soon be... We've got trouble![Chris's goons tries to attack, he zooms killing them,he goes to the field then tears it open]Hey guys....
Samson:I knew it was a double bluff...
[the Metants give way, Chris stands]
Chris:Well then, let's do this!
At the field
Prof:What's wrong?!
Metant:Chris...Adeyemi.. They are at it again!
At the cafeteria
[Adeyemi blasted off, he rolls then gains balance,zooms to Chris then punches him, pulls him from midair then throws a blast at him,Chris tries to create a blast, Adeyemi zooms to him the manipulates the blast then throws him off, Adeyemi smirks holding the blast,sees Chris about to stand, he flies up then throws the blast, it pauses on air while Adeyemi groans then falls to the ground]
Adeyemi:Aaargh...what's...what's this?!
Chris:[controlling Adeyemi]You should have learnt this before you rejected me!
Janet:He'd kill him.... We need to help him...Stephanie...Stephy... Where did she go to?!
Samson:Does that answer yet question[points to Stephy walking towards Adeyemi and Chris]
Janet:What's she doing?!...she's gonna get killed!
Stephy:[sees Adeyemi in pain]...No...No!![sobs]
Adeyemi:[groaning, he sees Stephy then reads her mind]
Stephy:No...don't give in to him.. Adeyemi... You can do it!!
Adeyemi:[goes into a telepathic state with her]I...I can't do it.. He's [groans]he's too strong!
Stephy:I believe in you...remember what you told me yesterday...you said you'd get stronger and protect me... This is it now... If you lose...we are all dommed... We'll be his slaves forever....
Chris:[grins at Stephy]I can hear yer thoughts.... Now...[lifts Adeyemi up]Let me show you how just weak he is!!![he smacks him to the ground then makes him kneel before him, he looks at Stephy then powers up a blast to her, Samson jumps making the blast hit him, he faints]Such weaklings!![sees Stephy about to zoom,he controls her then lifts her towards him]Now you will suffer the same fate as your boyfriend...Romeo and Juliet!![tortures Stephanie,she groans]This yoh will not escape my wrath!![tortures her]
Stephy:[groans]Aaargh...Adeyemi...Sa... Save me!!
Chris:He can't save you...he is in torment also!! [Twists Adeyemi's body]
Adeyemi:[groans,Chris smacks him to the ground,he groans louder, kneels before him then cries, he reads Stephy mind who tells him that she believes in him. He groans]You....True Breeds,you killed my parents, you murdered my kind, you captured my friends, you took control of my body.... You hurting the one that I love.... I HAVE HAD IT!!!!!!!![everywhere explodes]
Through the hallway
Prof:[blasted away]What...what the hell was that!
MIGO:I feel it too...Professor!...an incredible power level!!
Prof:Who the hell was that...Chris?!
MIGO:I doubt it...someone Alot stronger!!
At the Cafeteria
Adeyemi:[stands up slowly with streaks of power blasts around him,his eyes glows and his voice echoes]
Tuttuh:Is...is that Yemi?!
Janet:He's so.... Powerful... I can't read his power level....
Samson:Do you think he's stronger than....Chris?!
Chris:[drops Stephy]Finally...I unlocked you'd Rage Mode...the key was her... All along... Now we would rule this city!
Adeyemi:[his voice echoes as he speaks]Christopher Kineto...you and your kind have brought suffering and pain to our world....and now...i will destroy you and bring balance to the universe!!
Chris:Give it all yet got buddy!
[teleports to Chris, he punches him blasting him off to the extreme, Chris teleports also and punches Adeyemi,he holds Chris's hand then twirls him kicking him, Chris grunts them flies to Adeyemi,he powers up and blast Adeyemi with a punch, he throws multiple blasts at Adeyemi creating a large fume if smokes, he powers up a giant blast the tosses it to Adeyemi]
Stephy:No...no!![sees the blast go into the fume blasting it off]Noooo!!!
Janet:Do...do you think he'd survive?!
Tuttuh:I...I can't feel anything!!
Chris:This is what happens when you defy me!...now...all of you bow to me!
[All of them bows,just then,they heard a quake]
Chris:What the....?!
Adeyemi:[comes out of the fume unharmed,holding Chris blasts]You drop something!
Adeyemi:My strengths are far greater than your comprehension....as I rise, you fall!!![throws the blast at him]Taste your wrath!![blast Chris off then zooms and lifts Stephy]I'm back again sweetheart!!
Stephy:I...I thought I lost yer!!
Adeyemi:Your love keep driving me back!!
Stephy:Real funny!![chuckles]
[the cafeteria vibrates then Chris flies up obviously angry]
Chris:Adeyemi!!!!...you are a branch before me... I am the vine, for without me, your existence would be like a mere fiction...an illusion...now you shall see the true might of a True Breed!
Adeyemi:Oh...come on!...Stephanie...I'd have to let yer go now!![drops her]
Stephy:Make mama proud![kisses his cheek]
Adeyemi:Oh..I'm so gonna beat this guy up![walks...cracks his neck and knuckle]Whenever you're ready!![Chris smiles and flies to him, Adeyemi flies to him also]
MIGO:[pauses them on air]
Prof:What's this ruckus!!!!
In the Professor's Office
Prof:[looks at Chris and Adeyemi]So...who started it?!
Chris:Hard to tell... can't say!
Prof:I said WHO STARTED IT?!
Adeyemi:He did sir,he started all of it, he asked me to join him in his quest to destroy all of humanity...I declined his proposal, then he threatened to destroy my friends if I didn't join him!
Prof:Do you admit that?!
Chris:Death twitches my ear...live he says... I'm coming
MIGO:Do you admit to that?!!!
Chris:Shut it MIGO!!...you are nothing...when I ride, you shall be judged!
MIGO:[slaps him]Shut up!
Chris:You will pay for that buddy!!
Prof:MIGO...lock them up in The Quantum Boundary!!
Adeyemi:No...not that place!
Prof:I'm sorry Mr.McCurdlebreath,but you started a fight!
Stephy:What do you think will happen to Adeyemi?!
Janet:He might end up in detention!
Tuttuh:I doubt that, they might end up locked up in The Quantum Boundary!
Prof:[comes out from his office]Very correct,Miss McCallington!
Sam:But he wasn't the one who started the fight?!
Prof:He sure ended it....
Prof:Fighting your fellow metant goes against everything I...we stand for...Adeyemi got himself into a fight and must be punished accordingly...
Stephy:[about to talk]
Prof:Don't you have a class to get to?!...now go!!
At The Quantum Boundary
Chris:You can't keep me here!...I'm a god!!
In another part of the Boundary
Adeyemi:[sits down, meditating]
Later at the Professor's Office
MIGO:Professor... I need to tell you something...
MIGO:It's about Chris, I think we should change our plans for him!!
In The Quantum Boundary
Adeyemi:[meditating, trying to clam his rages]
In another of The Boundary Chris:[sits,trying to heal himself,he remembers the fight between he and Adeyemi, he gasps then stops and suddenly goes into a telepathic state, he hears the Professor and MIGO speaking]
Prof:So...we should change him?! MIGO:Yes...hr doesn't worth it anymore,his soul is corrupted by evil!
Prof:Yeah,I noticed that... We'd want to give Central Labs to someone we can trust...I was kinda thinking of that kid... Adeyemi... What do you think?!
MIGO:I like him... He is strong,assertive...in time he'd be the strongest and our legacy would be passed on!!
Prof:Yes...he's the perfect replacement...for Chris!!
In The Quantum Boundary
Chris:My...my replacement?!...they...they can't do this this to me!!...they can't...[laughs]THEY CAN'T!!!
Stephy:This isn't right, Adeyemi's shouldn't be the one suffering...
Sam:In an endless void of time and space!
[they look at him]
Sam:What?!...I heard it from a movie villain!!
Stephy:Anyways....we can't let him suffer in there....any ideas guys?!
Janet:I'm glad you just said that! [stands up then distribute some files to them]
Tuttuh:What's this?!
Janet:That contains secret passage ways, underground tunnels and short cuts...
Stephy:[flips the files]How...how did you get this?!
Janet:I've always wanted to be a reporter!...so what do you say...we get in and bust out?!
Stephy:I don't know...
Samson:Don't worry,I got 'em,I am gonna take the pleasure of naming this mission....Operation Bust in 'n' Bust out!!!
Tuttuh:Woah,woah,woah...we are not busting in anywhere[puts the file to Janet face]let's just go ask the Professor,he might release him....
Stephy:Yeah...she's right!
Janet:But it took me... Like forever to do this! [looks at the file]
Tuttuh:Then I bet it should take you like forever to get rid of it... If MIGO finds that with yer, you may end up like Chris, in the boundary!!
Chris:[still in the boundary, he floats on air sitting, he inhales then exhales...he remembers]He'd be the perfect replacement, he's strong...he's assertive....he'd bee the strongest!!![inhales and exhales]Noooo![blast off the boundary,the alarm go off]
Prof:[sees them]Stephanies,Janet...what are you all doing here...oh...let me guess, You are all here because of Adeyemi...right?
Prof:But I'm sorry, I can't do anything...I know Adeyemi's is your friend and he means alot to you guys especially Stephanie, but he was involved in a fight and must be dealt with accordingly!
Samson:But...[the alarm blares]
Tuttuh:What the hell is that?!...Janet?!
Janet:It wasn't me, I didn't do nothing!!
MIGO:[runs to the Professor]Professor...Professor...Chris....he's escaped!!
Prof:What?!...where is he?!
Chris:He is right here!!
In The Boundary
Adeyemi:[meditating...hears the alarm, he pooped his eyes]What's...what's going on?!
In The Arena
Prof:What are you...
Chris:Doing?![scoffs]I'm here to cast my vengeance upon this school...to bring it to ruins!!
Prof:Why....why are you doing that... You are one of us... My student!!
Chris:Your student[scoffs]That's why you wanted to replace me?!
Prof:Replace you?!...what are you saying?!
Chris:Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm saying...
Prof:I don't!!
Chris:That kid... Adeyemi...he's my replace right?!
Chris:Don't LIE TO ME!!
Prof:Yes...he is your replacement...why... You are already corrupted by evil,you have brought disgrace to our kind... harm to weak, you are no longer deemed worthy to be one of us!
Chris:Urgh,so that's why... That's why you put is together...so he can destroy me...Urgh.. Y'all despised me!
Sam:I wouldn't call it despised....more like hated! [sips his cappuccino]
Chris:Shur it weakling[blast off his cappuccino]
Sam:Damn...that was the good part...[sees Chris grinning at him, he runs off]
Janet:Where are you going to?!
Sam:[from distance]I'd be back!!! Stephy:He's such a scaredy pants!
Tuttuh:Chris...revenge isn't the answer...we all have our flaws!!
Chris:No...it's not... This is my redemption!![creates a blast]
At The Boundary
Sam:[presses a code, the door opens]Adeyemi...Adeyemi...come out!
Sam:Chris...he's escaped and I think he's back for revenge!
Adeyemi:[grins]About time! [zooms off with Samson]
At The Arena
Janet:[falls,looks at Tuttuh's body already fainted...] Urgh!
Stephy:[just got blasted away...she falls and groans]
Chris:See...Professor,look at your weaklings,they are none like me, never like me...But you...you shunned me,you abandoned me and now, finally you will get what you deserve!! [creating a blast]
MIGO:[powering up]
Adeyemi:[zooms then drops Samson... Sees him vomits]Sorry!!
Sam:Never...urgh... Do that again![vomits]
Adeyemi:Sorry...so... Hey buddy! Chris:Adeyemi?!
Adeyemi:You've really lived up to yer name... As a god?!
Chris:Whag can I do?!
Adeyemi:Er...I assume you are looking for a worthy opponent,why not leave them and let the fun be between the two of us...
Chris:And you pretty confident that you'd win?!
Adeyemi:No...but I'm pretty confident that you wouldn't also!
Prof:Scan his power level...
MIGO:[scans]It's still the same!
Prof:What's he doing?!
MIGO:Should I stop him?!
Prof:No...let him be!
Adeyemi:[carrying Stephanie]
Stephy:Don't do this Adeyemi's, I don't want to lose you!
Adeyemi:Trust me, you won't!
Stephy:Pinky swear?!
Adeyemi:You know I those things...but I'd do it![does a pinky swear with Stephy]Satisfied?!
Stephy:It isn't over yet... You gotta seal it with a kiss!
Adeyemi:Now you're making that up!
Stephy:Just do... [got kissed by Adeyemi, he stops kissing her after sometime]Now...I'm satisfied!
Adeyemi:[drops her]Lemme go bust him up!
Adeyemi:Now...I'm gonna make rue the day you set foot in this school!
Chris:Bring it on!
[Both fly to each other then holds each punches, they pause on air grinning at each other then lightening sparks all around then, both generate blast and explodes each other,Adeyemi zooms then punches Chris,gives him an uppercut then teleports and blast him down,Chris tries to create a blast the Adeyemi zooms to him knocking the blast off his hand then blast him off, Adeyemi's grins as Chris stumbles, he flies to him then Chris controls Adeyemi]
Chris:Yes...I got to now!
Adeyemi:[groans then laughs,he stands slowly]
Chris:What?!...[tries to control him]
Adeyemi:[groans as he stands]I am.... Invisible... [stands up fully then blast Chris, he flies towards him]
Chris:[stands]ENOUGH!!![blast off Adeyemi]This fight has gone long enough ...it's time I show you how powerful I am!![he interlocks his hands together then raises it to his head and drags it to his belly,he swerves his hands both sides then smashes them together and starts to power up]Raaaaargh....raaaargh!!!!!!!!
Prof:He's open his Chi Channel!
Chris:[still powering up]
Adeyemi:Oh boy!!
MIGO:He's going bizarre....22,000pl....he's going up.... Oh no... he's reached 25,000pl....
Chris:Arrrrgh!![cracks his neck]That felt good!
Adeyemi:Awwwn man!!
[Chris teleports to Adeyemi,he gives him a knee jab then throws him off, Chris flies to him then kicks him before he noticed it, Adeyemi stands up the flies to him, he kicks him then blast him off multiple times, he goes to his highest power level then throws an infinite blast at Chris]
Sam:He...he can't have survived that....he...he did it!!
Stephy:Good boy!!
MIGO:I can't believe it Professor, that kid actually did it!
Prof:Yeah...he's... [senses something]What's that?!
MIGO:[scans]No...it can't be...
Adeyemi:[panting, looks]
Samson:It's...it's not possible...he...he can't!
Stephy:He...didn't survive that... Did he?!
Chris:[walks out, with his shirt burnt]Nice throws... But... You missed!![points to the wall]
Adeyemi:[panting]No...it's not possible...it... It can't be...You're...you're fast... You are faster than... Than the speed of light...!
Chris:You said it!
Adeyemi:But...but that's impossible...you don't have any speed!!
Chris:My new power level can make me go into any power ups... And now you...you are gonna get a taste of how I am!
[zooms to Adeyemi, uses his hands to slam his face, he teleports then punches him, flips him off then punches creates a giant blast then blast him off]
Adeyemi:[spurts blood]
Chris:Show me just how powerful you are!!
Adeyemi:[flies to him creates mirages then teleports behind him,he tries to punch Chris but he dodges it,holds Adeyemi's hand then twist it,dislocating then blast him off]
Adeyemi:[falls,groaning holding his twisted arm]Aaaaaargh!!
Chris:Show me your Rage Mode!!
Adeyemi:I can't...I do not control it!
Chris:Then I'd have to force it... [zooms to Adeyemi, lifts him then hits him on the ground smacking him, he lifts him again then punches his stomach, lifts him then punches it again, he continues this...]
MIGO:He's gonna kill him!!
Chris:[stops punching Adeyemi then blast the others off the arena then puts a force field around it]
MIGO:Professor....I can't penetrate it.. It's too powerful!!
Prof:[hits the field]Adeyemi...please...get up...fight!!
Adeyemi:[hears the Professor's mind, then talks to him through telepathy]I can't....I'm too weak!!
Prof:No...get up...do it!!
Adeyemi:I can't....I've failed...take care of Stephanie for me... I'm sorry...tell her that... I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise...tell her...!
Stephy:[runs to the Professor]What...[sobs]...what did he say?!
Prof:He...he wants to sacrifice himself!!
Stephy:No...no.. He can't do that... No![hits the field multiple times]
Chris:[holds Adeyemi's and punches him....he levitates a rod]Good bye...buddy.. [about to stab Adeyemi, he senses Stephy's distress,he looks at her]
Adeyemi:[sees him looking at her]No...no... Not her.....it's me you want,end me!!
Stephy:[hitting the force field]
Chris:I thought your death would be more fun....[throws him away]Let's make this more interesting!![levitates Stephy then brings her into the force field]
Janet:No...let her go!...nooo!!! [shrieks at the force field but it deflects it towards her back]Nooo!
Chris:[levitating Stephy]Beautiful...I'm guessing you're thinking why you were brought here... It's because of him!
Stephy:[groaning]Let....me... Go!! Chris:Not so fast!
Adeyemi:Please...I beg you Chris...Let her go!!
Chris:[blast him off]...then go into The Rage Mode!!
Adeyemi:I'm trying... I'm trying...!!
Chris:I think this will put you over the edge![puts Stephy into the ground]I'm gonna bury her alive!
Stephy:[groaning]Arrgh...pl.. Please... Chris stop... You're hurting me. ..it's not working!!
Chris:[buries her to waist level]
Adeyemi:[runs to Chris then holds his hand]Please...don't do this... I'm trying!
Chris:No...you aren't trying enough!![buries her to her shoulder level]
Sam:No...no... Don't do this!!!
MIGO:He'd...he'd kill her!!
Adeyemi:Please...I beg you!
Chris:Go into yer power level!![buries her finally]Raaargh!
Adeyemi:[zooms with all his might to save her but she was gone]No....it can't be... No! [cries]no!!
Prof:She's...she's gone!!
Chris:Now...I'm gonna kill you and I'd kill them and finally I'd have this earth in my hands!...don't blame me... If you had gone into Rage Mode...it would have been...great... You brought this upon yourself!!
Chris:Yes...I did it!
MIGO:His power level is going up... Oh no... He's reached 55,000pl already and still reading!!
Prof:It can't be... He was the one who... [remembers the other power level]He is the one!!
Adeyemi:Aaaaaargh!!!!![his eyes glows, gets angry... His power level increases]
Chris:[brings out Stephy]Look at her... She's back... It was just a subterfuge to get you to the Rage Mode!!...
Adeyemi:[voice echoes and flies up]You should not have incurred my wrath!!!
Chris:Oh yeah, come and get her!![twists her body, she groans]
Adeyemi:[flies to Chris and in an instant,Chris was blasted away... He catches Stephy]
Adeyemi:I told yer...I made a promise, I would never leave you!![Sees Chris standing up]Now...go!! [blast off the force field]
Stephy:Please don't leave me!!...come back to me! [kisses him then zooms]
Adeyemi:Chris!!!...you and I have unfinished business!
[Chris flies to Adeyemi,he punches him but Adeyemi didn't budge, Chris kicks him again but nothing happens to him, Chris throws a punch at him but Adeyemi catches the punch then blast him off, he teleports behind him then smashes him to the ground, Adeyemi flies down then holds Chris's leg them lifts him upside down]
Chris:[powers up then throws a blast to Adeyemi's face, everywhere pauses then Adeyemi dodges the blast]
Adeyemi:You missed!!
Chris:It can't be... You.. You are faster than me!!
Adeyemi:Yeah....[kicks him]
Chris:[blasted away, he does a flip then throws blasts to Adeyemi multiple times]
Adeyemi:[covered in fumes but he disappears then hits Chris from behind]
Adeyemi:You gat any more trick?!!!
Chris:[summons an incredible power level]Raaaaargh!!!
MIGO:He's reached 35,000pl....!!
Adeyemi:[smirks as Chris's power level increases]Yeah...do it!!
Chris:Raaaargh....yes... Yes!!![creates a giant blast on his hand the looks at Adeyemi]
Adeyemi:Give it all yer got buddy!!
Chris:Rraaaaaghh!![throws the blast at him]
Adeyemi:[sees the blast coming to him, he stretches his hand but still got blasted away, he flies backward on air controlling the blast then stands on the ground cracking it holding the blast then grins at Chris]
Chris:No...no... That's not possible!!
Adeyemi:This is all you can do... Your highest power level...this is it!!
Prof:He is powerful!!
MIGO:He...he didn't even break a sweat!!
Adeyemi:Raaaargh!![throws the blast to Chris]
Chris:[sees the blast coming narrowly dodging the blast but got half of face burnt]Aaargh....darn it...You blew up my face! [holds his head]
Adeyemi:Urgh...I missed...[powers up a blast]Now...this is gonna hurt!! [throws it]
Chris:[creates a force field which repels the blast]My return shall be like a thief at night....mh vengeance will cloud this damned city and my comet shall bring this earth to ruins!!! [blast the floor then flies up]
Adeyemi:You aren't going anywhere!![flies up chasing him]
Chris:[sees Adeyemi coming he creates a blast knocking Adeyemi off the then escapes]

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