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"Bet you ten bucks Youngtaek's going to fuss about how long Saehas been gone!"

"Joochan maybe if you shut up I'll give you ten dollars," Jibeom held up a fist.

She started laughing behind them "Woah, that's enough... Youngtaek will be mad if he knows you're betting on something like this."

She was too busy absorbed their conversation they were having on their way to Youngtaek's restaurant to notice Bomin behind her, trying to call out to her softly.

That was until he tugged on her arm hard and unexpectedly, causing her to stop.

"Bomin?" she took a look back at him startled from the tug.

He had been walking next to her holding onto her arm on their way to Youngtaek's like usual, but this time around he was holding onto his shoulder.

She turned around fully, taking hold of his shoulders, sensing something was off.

"Bomin? I'm sorry. Are you okay?" she started to grow concerned.

I come back, and on the same night the youngest is hurt, great, she thought.

"I'm okay," he smiled. "It's just someone hit my shoulder while we were walking really hard. It was an accident though..."

She was shocked by his smile as it always caught her off guard. Was he really smiling while in pain?

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

He shook his head back and fourth smiling once more, trying to ease her worry. He always thought smiling would make her worry less, but the poor boy never knew it made her worry even more. After all, he had always seen her as an older sister; someone he could count on, and be taken care of from.

"No, not really," he lied.

It hurt a little.

She patted his head "Next time a person shoulder bumps you, I'll make Joochan and Jibeom go annoy them until they apologize. Okay?"

Bomin's smile got wider and brighter, and laughing in between his words he said, "Alright. But maybe you should get Youngtaek involved too? He'll complain about you so much that it'll increase the annoyance from Joochan and Jibeom!"

As they followed into Youngtaek's restaurant, she couldn't help but to smile and laugh too "You know what Bomin? That's a great idea!"

And as they entered there was Youngtaek screaming her name for the whole restaurant to hear "Saeha! You're finally back!"

It was two thirty-ish in the morning. The restaurant had been closed since eleven at night, but the only customers they allowed after hours were their group from the same apartment floor, and here they all were sitting at tables pushed together for the past three hours and a half, still living up the night.

"Woah, woah, woah you're complaing because I was gone for three weeks?" she nearly choked on her drink.

Youngtaek set his drink on the table and looked her straight in the eyes without wincing, "Yes, yes I am."

"Yeah, so he decided to complain about it to me for the past three weeks, so thanks a lot Saeha," Seungmin sighed laughing.

She shook her head smiling to herself, "I leave for three weeks and you complain. But why wasn't it okay for me to complain when you went to Japan for a whole year? Especially when you went with my brother!"

"Because... uh, you had all the guys," Youngtaek signaled to Bomin, who was on one end of the table, rubbing his eyes drowning in sleepiness, all the way to Daeyeol who was on the other end, and couldn't stop talking to Sungyoon and Jaeseok.

"You had us too while she was gone!" Jaehyun opened his mouth in disbelief.

Youngtaek put his palm to his forehead, "So what? You guys still aren't Saeha."

Donghyun held his hands up as to act if he were offended "I call discrimination!"

"Sue him!" Joochan almost spit his drink out, commercing in the conversation.

"That's not a bad idea, you could get all of Youngtaek's money," Jibeom added.

"Saeha do you see why now three weeks was too long? Especially with these four?" Youngtaek reached across the table grabbing her hand, making sure to squeeze it tight.

"Youngtaek, I went a year with these four. But you're still complaining about three weeks?" She squeezed his hand back in response.

"Yeah, if you do the math... Saeha spent three hundred and sixty five days with us while you only spent twenty one days with us without her. So don't whine," Jibeom rested his arm on her shoulder.

Youngtaek rolled his eyes, "Okay genius, I don't need it from you."

Jaehyun raised his brows in suspicion "Wait, Saeha who's side are you even on now?"

She saw all of them waiting for an answer. Yet her answer was "Neither."

Joochan leaned over, and whispering into her ear he questioned her a little too loud, "So are you going to sue him? I think you should."

The older three eventually caught on.

"No one's suing anyone," Sungyoon interfered.

"That's no fun!" Donghyun remarked.

Jaeseok pointed over to Bomin, "You guys are so boring that Bomin fell asleep."

Jaeseok was right. There was Bomin at the very far end of the table, eyes closed, head on the surface, and totally knocked out.

"He's adorable and all, but I'm not carrying him to the apartment complex!" Daeyeol shouted from the other end.

"Why? Does your back hurt old man?" Joochan shouted back to Daeyeol.

Jaeseok stood up waving the tension away, "I think it's time we head out anyways... or else Bomin won't wake up until the restaurant is open again.

"Good call. I can't stand being here any longer with the ninety nine liners in my presence," Youngtaek got up and started cleaning.

After the restaurant was in perfect shape before they had invaded, everyone split their separate ways. Seungmin and Youngtaek went off to their place, while the eight of  them left hurried back to their apartment complex.

"That was a fun night back Saeha wasn't it?" Jaeseok questioned her, while carrying a sleeping Bomin on his back next to her.

Her eyes were gazed upon all the boys in front of them making a ruckus down the hallway at three morning, but suddenly shot up at her older brother to answer.

"Yes, of course!"

Jaeseok smiled warmly from seeing his younger sister admit a smile giving her response. He never forgot to keep an eye on her as he felt it was his duty at all times.

But as she broke her gaze with him, he watched her eyes drift to somewhere else carelessly.

She wasn't smiling anymore, but almost in a complete thought of her own, staring at something.

He followed where her brown eyes were leading, and her eyes themself lead to their new neighbor Jangjun's door.

He stepped in front of her, breaking her gaze, unsure of why she was staring over there.

"Saeha? Is everything okay?"

She made eye contact with her brother again, shaking away her period of distraction.

"Everything's fine," she reassured him, getting back to her senses. "I just noticed that the boxes were gone."

Bewildered by her response, Jaeseok furrowed his brows in confussion.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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