Chapter 3 (sorry for the long wait.)

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I'm depressed and stressed👉🙃👉
Sorry for the long wait. Chapters... won't be frequent. Sorry, haha. I'm just not in a good state of mind right now :)

"Lance, who's at the door?" Keith asked softly, standing up.

  The Cuban boy was too shocked to speak, his voice croaking slightly, "this isn't possible..." he squeaked, eyes still wide.

  "Wha-?!" Keith gasped quietly and stumbled, "what the hell?!"

"Calm yourself, I'm not here to necessarily kill you," his taunting British accent hung around the air like a disgusting smell. "I need to talk to Keith."

"Over my dead body," Lance growled, eyes flashing golden warningly. He pushed Keith back instinctively, who just whined. He was the alpha...

"Do you really want to put that saying to the test, Lance?" Lotor sighed, unfazed. He looked really tired and like he was done. The Cuban boy then noticed his clothes were dirty and slightly torn, and his previously beautiful hair was ruffled and slightly greasy. His face was beaten up, and blood stained the corner of his lips. He wasn't perfect anymore.

"I don't know what you want with my boyfriend, but Keith doesn't want to talk, okay? Oka-"

"Wait, Lance, hear him out." The raven haired boy said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What the — he literally raped you and hurt you and —"

"Smell his aura. He means no harm." Keith said calmly, but his eyes looked at Lotor unforgivably.

Lotor sighed, "I've come to seek help —"

"THAT IS'NT HAPPENING, NOPE, NOPE!" Lance yelled and attempted to slam the door in his face, however Lotor held it open with ease.

Pidge and Hunk, and even Matt was watching at that point. Matt and Pidge looked at each other and both of them was definitely readying spells just in case something happened.

"Calm down, Lance," he cooed, smirking. Something about his eyes was enchanting... they glinted slightly and he suddenly felt a wave of calmness going over him. So much calm he almost tripped.

  "A-are you okay?" Keith stuttered, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

  "Yeah... I feel... nice." He murmured, blinking slowly. He looked back at Lotor, "what did you do to me?" He asked, voice strangely soft.

  Keith did not like that, oh no. His voice was never soft. It was either, small and quiet or his usual, loud and clear, or sometimes shouting. Never. Ever. Was it soft. He held Lance's hand out of being scared, making Lotor smirk.

  "I don't know if you've put the puzzle pieces together, but I'm a vampire." Lotor said with a bored tone. That snapped Keith out of his concern for Lance. His breathing hitched. He was a vampire...? That explained how he wasn't dead. And how he didn't hear a heart beat when he was tied up... but... that...


  "'Oh'? What? No, 'wait, so do you sparkle in day light'? Or anything?" He demanded, furrowing his white eyebrows together in frustration.

  "I—" Keith paused, "wait, you sparkle in daylight?"

Lotor groaned, "look, I came here for help, okay? The whole place has turned on me because my dad put a fucking assassin on me and he wants me dead. I have no where to go."

  "Sorry, buddy, but we can't help you," Pidge said, at the door with the two boys. They glared at him, telling him to go away with her eyes. Lotor stiffened, "come on, please."

  "No." They all said in unison. Lance was already feeling it wearing off, "fuck you, and like, go away."

  Keith gave him one of those looks like, 'wait what'.

Lotor anxiously looked down the hallway and then back into their apartment room. He was beginning to sweat, biting his lip like a bad habit.


"They said no." Matt said, face blank. He was gripping his strange staff, looking like he could actually kill him. "Don't know where you're from, man, but no means no." He walked over to the door, making everyone part for him. Lotor took a step back, "I recognise you." He grumbled, "you worked with Shiro, didn't you?"

Matt stiffened, gripping his staff, "get out."

  "Do you know where he is? I'm pretty sure Zarkon mind controlled him." Lotor said, panicking at the staff that had been placed on his chest.

  Matt's grip loosened, "he... what?"

Lotor shifted and slowly moved the blunt instrument away from him. "Yeah, Zarkon got one of his Druid-things to mind control Shiro to do his dirty work."

"You're lying," Matt hissed, placing his weapon on his chest again. He clutched it until his knuckles were white.

Obviously, the subject of Shiro was touchy. Especially for Matt. For some reason. Keith didn't know that much about their ex-teacher...

  "Why would I lie—?"

  "To save your ass." Matt hissed at him.

"Matt... I think he's telling the truth. He tried to kill me and Lance, remember." Keith whispered, placing a hand on Matt's back. He stiffened.

"Why are you defending Lotor?! This dude literally sexually assaulted you!" Matt yelled, eyes dark and actually rather scary.

Keith tensed up, "please... I don't like talking about that. Also, it's true that Vampires can't come in without being invited in."

"That's... from Vampire Diaries?" Hunk asked quietly.

"It's true. Now let go of Lotor." Keith's eyes flashed yellow in warning.

  Matt sighed and let go, going back inside, "... okay. What do you want, Lotor."

  "I need a place to stay." He muttered, looking at them all pleadingly.

  "Never going to happen."

Keith sighed, "look, I believe in second chances.  Give him one. If he does anything suspicious or touches, we'll throw him out, okay?"

Everyone went to argue but Lotor smiled softly.

  "You can come in, Lotor."

Hhhhh, that was shit.

I've seen you skating. I haven't. You're pretty shit.

  Fuck off.

I love TEOTFW.

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