Chapter 10

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Three years later.

It was finally the day. The day Nia would see him. See him emerge instead of wallow in.

He was being let into custody of his parents. Nia had made plans to vacation at Casa de Hyland as soon as she got off school. Unlike most freshman, her spring break would not consist of binge-drinking and hangovers, but watching movies and bringing Josh to therapy.

She was waiting inside, clicking her heels and peeling hangnails off her fingers with her teeth; a nervous habit. She was waiting for him to come down the stairs.

When he did, there was no squealing or screaming. They hugged for a very long, long time.

The past three years had made a giant impact on Nia.

The past three years had seen her develop an eating disorder, recover from said eating disorder, fall in love, rid herself of Abby Lee Miller, go to a helluva lot of therapy sessions, and get into a great college (NYU). It had been three years of heartbreak and wonder.

They pulled apart and she kissed his face. In the car, she laid her head on his shoulder and held her hand in his. They got home and made supper. Josh ate his first meal at home in a year that he didn't puke up later.

He hauled her off to the beach after dinner. It was getting warm for April. He grabbed two towels so they could lay on the harsh sand, and her portable record player, Slow Club playing in a soft wheel. She settled herself on top of him and kissed him some more.

"What a beautiful night." He remarked.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you." She replied.

For once, he accepted the compliment. "Thank you." Nia smiled and caressed his cheek, stubby with weeks of careless non-shaving.

It was a lovely life.


(author's note: that's the end of breaking nia! i hope you enjoyed it. this fanfic has taken me some time. Lordy. i would like to thank a few people: first, YouGoGlennCoco_, for always supporting this story :) tysm; Sasha, for reading my weird dance moms fanfic while i read her TeamCrafted and tbnrfrags ones; and music, for always fueling my inspiration. i love you all so much - colleen cosette)

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