Now Hiring

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(Dani’s Point Of View)

*Dani’s Apartment*

I enter my apartment I got like fifty dollars’ worth of food, an air mattress that was twenty five dollars, I got blanket and a pillow that were five dollars each, I got some hangers that were four dollars for a pack of ten, and I got some silverware that was twenty dollars for a twenty piece, I got a silverware sorter for ten dollars, and I also got some pots and pans for forty five dollars. I think that I did very well I even have some cash left over which I’m going to need. I put my food, silverware, pots and pans away. After I get done with that I set up my air mattress in my room once it’s filled I put the blanket and pillow on it and lay down I sigh.

Dani: Home sweet home.

I close my eyes for a little bit.

(Santana’s Point Of View)

*Rachel, Kurt, and Santana’s Place*

I walk into the loft with the groceries I walk to the kitchen and set them on the counter. Rachel and Kurt walk into the kitchen they are babbling on about NYADA and how cool it is. They’ve been trying to get me to audition for it but, I don’t if it’s my type of thing. I mean yeah I like to dance and NYADA has a great program for that but, I don’t know.

Kurt: Did you get everything that was on my list?

I sigh.

Santana: Yes Lady Hummel I did and before you ask Dwarf yes I got everything on your list too.

Rachel: I wasn’t going to ask but, thank you.

Santana: Yeah sure whatever.

I grab my bag and start to put my food away after I am done I go to my room.

*Santana’s Room*

I sit at my desk and open my laptop I  check my e-mail I didn’t get anything I mean I shouldn’t except anything anyways Britt and I broke up three months ago even though we did agree to be friends. I just don’t think that we are ready to talk to each other yet I sigh and close my laptop there is a light knock I get up and open the curtain Rachel is standing there. She is in her work uniform.

Santana: May I help you?

Rachel: Don’t you have work with me tonight?

I look at the clock.

Santana: Shit I forgot I’ll be ready in five.

Rachel: Okay hurry cause I don’t want to be late.

Santana: Yeah, yeah I know.

I close the curtain and get ready for work when I am ready I walk out of my room Rachel is leaning against the counter when she sees me she stands straight up.

Rachel: You ready?

Santana: Obviously I’m ready.

Rachel and I walk out of the loft.

(Dani’s Point Of View)


I decided to get out of my apartment for a while since there was nothing to do there anyways. I’m walking down the sidewalk I see a help wanted sign in the window of a diner called The Spotlight Diner I decide to walk there and get an application.

*Spotlight Diner*

I walk into the diner and look around wow this place is awesome I can see myself working here I walk up to a counter and I’m greeted by…

Dani: Santana?

Santana: Oh hi Dani. How can I help you?

Dani: I saw the help wanted sign out there and I need a application.

Santana: Oh okay I will go get you one.

Santana smiles and walks off God she is so beautiful I don’t even know if she is a lesbian but, I am getting those vibes from her. She comes back with a paper in her hand she hands it to me.

Dani: Thank you.

Santana: Oh you’re welcome. So what are you doing today?

Dani: Just walking around I had to get out of my boring apartment.

Santana: It’s already boring?

Dani: Yes it is I don’t have much there so it gets kind of boring.

Santana: Well if you don’t have to go back anytime soon you can stay here and when I get my break we could chat for a bit. That’s if you want to of course.

Dani: I would love that.

I smile so does Santana.

Santana: Well I have to get back to work, but my break is coming up soon.

Dani: Okay. Oh um, do you have an extra pen I can use?

Santana: Oh yeah of course.

Santana hands me a pen I grab it and our hands touch I feel a tingle go up my arm causing me to pull away quick she must have felt it too because she pulls back as well.

Dani: Thank you.

Santana: You’re welcome.

Santana walks off as I fill out the application. I look back and watch Santana work she looks over and catches me looking. I look away quickly and I know that I am blushing because I blush every time I’m embarrassed or someone gives me a compliment.

All right this is the second part to this story I hope that you guys are enjoying it so far. I’m enjoying myself I just hope that you guys like reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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