04 - tips

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bonjour my fellow rats

here r some tips on how to make ur hawt theme like SEOFULLY mmkay

- simple header: make it match the icon, and be sure to not let it interfere with the icon, maybe a solid colour or simple pattern (clouds, water, etc.)
- icon: simple and unique, matching the book covers & header (ulzzang, plant, etc.)
- book covers: not too detailed, an idea to have in mind is make them all alike, you can edit them each to make them look somewhat the same (photoshoot, plants, etc.). SAME. FONT.
- book descriptions: not too long, and simple; not boring to read (a quote, or a phrase that you like.)
- bio: it's pretty much like the book descriptions; not to long and make them simple like a quote or something like that. you can also add a symbol or two to make it more like a soft aesthetic. also add some things about yourself; 1-2 things you like, your name/nickname, and maybe your sign or how old you are.
- username: something simple and easy (could add a "-")
- display name: a nickname of some sort, a Japanese/Korean character (bc ppl love this yknow ;;)) aNd a symbol or something like that

there u go k bye

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