[1] Him Being Born

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It’s an amazing Thursday morning, May 24th. Mrs and Mr Rise were getting ready for daily work, but then it was time for a baby boy to arrive. He was born midday and they named him Joy. He brought so much life and happiness in their home.
They raised him with dignity and respect. At the age of five, he started it his pre-primary education. He was very excited to be a pupil for the first time.
The first day of school, his parents were really thrilled. “I can’t wait to get to school”; said Joy. His mom, Mrs Rise, prepared breakfast plus his lunch box with lemon juice in a bottle. They were really religious people, so they prayed before they ate their morning time meal. “My son, you need to be a good boy, behave and respect your teacher and both the learners. I want you to be the best always.” Mr Rise advised his son briefly. After they are all done and ready, Joy said, “dad hurry up please, I don’t want to be late on my first day!”
They drove off in their blue beautiful sedan with well packed leather seats. They were right on time and found the other kids gathering around for morning devotion. The school was so beautiful and the lawn was pretty green. The lawn was a symbol that each leaner should feel at peace after they enter the gate of the school and feel right at home.
“Good morning all, I would like to see all the parents after the morning devotion in the hall”, said Miss Velaria; the teacher. After a few minutes, the parents gathered and they thanked the teacher for accepting their kids. Most parents have anticipated the school’s image and performance over the years and have given them a lot of gratitude and the fact that most of the learners from the school in the past years have passed well and progressing well in their future endeavours.
During the 10:00 break, Joy saw a beautiful girl; he approached and said, “Hi, I am Joy, what’s your name?”       “Hello, my name is Susan, nice meeting you here Joy.” They became good, un-separated friends from that moment on.
Months passed by safely and at the end of the year, Susan and Joy passed with flying colours. Their parents decided to take them to the coast for a vacation because they have done a very great job in their academic work. Their hard work and commitment paid off. “We are so excited, the best holiday to be ever!” they shouted.
The trip went well and they both have enjoyed. They had swimming, movies to go to and enjoy some coconut drinks. It was time to go to the dolphin park where by Joy said, “Dad, can I get a dolphin as a pet?”
“No sweetie, you can’t get a dolphin because they are protected. I am sure you will be able to come back here again someday.” Mr Rise replied with a smile.
It was time for them to come back, so Joy was feeling sad. “ I am so so sorry my friend, you gave me the best days of my childhood and I promise I will see you again even though I am going abroad with my parents next week, I will always remember you,” Said Susan.  They hugged and Joy said, “Thanks, I will be waiting to see you again”. They exchanged some gifts whereby Joy gave Susan a monkey as her pet and Joy received a Cup written BFF (best fiends forever).
These two families were both proud of their children because of how they are behaving. Mr and Mrs Rise were happy because of the light that was brought into their lives. Joy was really a spectacular kid who does everything expected of him and always doing what the elders are telling him. This made his parents even more proud. Their neighbours always wondered what recipe of parenting they are using. They were totally jealous of this well behaved boy.

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