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Ragini came to college, she met her friend Khushi
" Hey Ragini , you are late today "

" What to do Khushi because of that Arjun " 🙄🙄🙄

" Ufff your silly fights will be common na " Khushi said

"Hmmm "

by then all the girls near- by looked at entrance with their mouths opened in '0' shape...

There comes one handsome hunk on RoYal EnFiElD  bike...He came to the girls there and stopped the bike and removed his helmet

" Wowww handsome "

" Hey beautiful girls!!!"

He is in bridal attire ....he came towards Ragini and brushed his hair with smirk.....
She tried to speak but with in no time he grabbed her hand and made her sit on his bike and drove off


#sanskar Mansion

" Sir, sanskar "

" Ummm....he rubbed his eyes and saw Ramu (servant) keep it there Kaka ...and one more thing don't call me it " he said in stern voice

" Ok sir...sorry sanskar " Ramu said

He took the newspaper and saw his photo on front page and smirked 😎😎

"No one can beat  Sanskar Maheswari ,the one and only me "

By saying this he threw newspaper and went to wr

" Hello , yeah shankar (PA) , arrange meeting with Mr.Singhania  and tell him to come with every details of the project " on call

He disconnected the call

" Ramu Kaka ,arrange my breakfast on table ...I will just come in 2min ...he went near garden and searched for something and came to Ramu with anger in his veins and shouted

" Where is John ?? " He shouted in rage

" sir....sirr....Sirr....his owner took with him"

" How dare you to let him to take it "

" Sirrrrrr "

" I liked that dog and I want it...I will come by evg if you didn't get it back ....u will pay for this Ramu Kaka.."

And one more thing if u ever call me again as 'sir' I don't know what I will do

" Breakfast???"

" No....i have no mood to eat and u know if I want anything I will get it by hook or don't let out  beast in me, get that dog back and save urself " he warned him

" Sanskar I will get another dog " he said with fear as he didn't knew where he get that dog from

" Ramu Kaka , that dog is special for me ...he rescued me from accident yesterday night, he came to my car from nowhere and saved me from getting into accident , it done good to me unknowingly so I want it as my pet "

" but sanskar "

" Kaka u know I don't listen to any excuses so get my pet "

By saying this he left


" Where are you taking me ??? Leave me " ragini shouted

He didn't replied back

Soon they landed near Registration office...she looked at that office with confusion

He went to near shop and brought 2 garlands and walking towards Ragini
She is shocked to see him with garlands and coming towards her

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