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???? POV

*alarm clock beeps*

I use my lightning to silence it. Yawning I slowly sat up and streched. I looked at the clock to check the time but unfortunately, the lightning destroyed it.
Dang it I thought grabbing the near by extinguisher to put out the smoldering mess. Luckily I learned long ago to use battery operated alarm clocks and have a fire extinguisher by my nightstand because the first time I did that, the main breaker flipped cutting power to my house and my bedroom was charred pretty good. That pretty much drained my entire paycheck to fix my bedroom.
After I finished, I replaced the extinguisher, grabbed the near by trash bin, and brushed the remains into the bin. I replaced the bin and walked to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. After that, I put on my normal work clothes wich is a shirt and jeans along with a white hoodie with the hood up. Yes. I'm a video game tester.
After that, I headed to the kitchen, grabbed a hard boiled egg from the fridge, peeled off the shell, and ate it. Then I took a container with a leftover meal from yesterday from the freezer and put it in my red camo lunch box. I grabbed my keys and left for Mörder Game Development Center.

Time skip: arrived at Mörder Game Development Center

I got off my bike, locked the front wheel, and entered the building.
"Hey Erick. The boss has a new game for us to test" Ash informed me.
"Multiplayer FPS?" I asked.
"Yes" she replied. "PVP."
"I'll assume it's a team death match type" I stated walking towards the elevator.
"Yes. I'll even be on you're team and you'll be team leader" Ash replied giving me a suggestive wink. I'll have to remind her what I'm capable of doing.
"What's up guys!" Ron greeted us.
"New game the boss wants us to test out" Ash stated.
"Multiplayer FPS" I chimed in.
"Team death match, right?" Ron asked as we waited for the elevator.
"Yes" Ash and I said together.
"Nice" Ron said then raised a hand. "Hostile sniper confirmed."
The elevator doors opened up.
"Whatever" I said. "You know, it might pick random players for the teams. So we probably won't know who's on each team."
We step in to the elevator, and I press the 2 button. Our offices are on the second level.

Time skip. Erick's office.

I sit down in my chair, turn on my computer, and put on my gaming headset. On my desk was a disk case labeled new game. I unlocked my computer, opened the case, take out the blank disk, and put it in to the disk drive. A popup came on the screen saying loading...
A few seconds later, another popup came on screen, but this time it said:
Panzerkampf: Primo Victoria
I clicked play game.

Time skip: start of the first battle

"I guess you were right, Erick" Ron said, "the teams are random."
"This is baloney" a new coworker said. "When we spawned, our team got 5 kills all of which went to the username of Entity_303.
"The reason we play unreleased video games is to find bugs and glitches like that" I stated professionally gunning down one hostile yet killing three.
There are two teams of 5. Each match is 3 1/2 minutes long. The team with the most kills wins. The map is a destroyed, war torn city. The soldier classes are Support (weild LMGs and pistols. Are equipped with one grenade), Recon (weild SMGs and pistols. Have three grenades), Assault (weild automatic rifles and pistols. Have three grenades), Heavy (weild shotguns and RPGs. Are equipped with five grenades), and Sniper (weild sniper rifles and pistols. Have three grenades). I chose Support, Ron chose Sniper, Ash chose Assault, one coworker chose Recon, and the other chose Heavy.
"Ew! I did not need to see that!" Ash exclaimed obviously disgusted.
"What'd ya see?" Ron asked curiously while getting shot in the head. The game gave us the point oddly enough.
"All the clothes on a fallen hosting disappeared for 3 seconds" Ash replied.
"Hey Ron" I said casually while getting gunned down by a hostile.
"On your most recent death," I asked, "did you shoot yourself in the head?"
"Why do you ask?" Ron replied suspiciously.
"Because when you died, we got a point" I explained holding back laughter.
"Whatever" Ron said
"The title isn't in English" a coworker stated.
"Yeah, what language is it in?" the other asked.
"German and latan" I replied.
"What does the title mean?" Ash asked.
"Armored: The First Victory" I replied.
"Wow! You know how to speak German and latan?" Ash asked amazed.
"Da" I said. "Russian for yes"
"Okay now you're just showing off" Ron pouted as the round ended.
Our team won by 20 points although 15 of them were extra or scored for the wrong team. I grabbed my note pad and pen and wrote: Panzerkampf: Primo Victoria problems
1. Hitbox needs recalibration
2. Scoring needs recalibration
3. Random bugs and glitches need to be fixed

Time skip: start of 6th match
"Holy- *static then mic cuts out*" Ash exclaimed.
"What happened Ash?" Ron asked.
On the center left side of my screen, an in-game notification said: Ashly783 left the game.
I quickly synced to all the people on the enemy team.
"Guys we have a problem" I said.
"We know" one said.
"Yeah, you're down a player" another said.
"I have a confession to make" Ron said.
"What is it?" I asked
"Sometimes when I looked through the scope to snipe enemies, I see a pair of white lights" Ron said.
"Could just be a lighting bug" I stated hoping it was. He couldn't of found me that fast. I predicted he'd find me in at least three years. If he's here, he found me in exactly one year. He would've started looking on July 1st, today's July 1st. My career's over if he's here.
"No they're too precise to be a lighting bug" the other sniper said.
"So they're in the same spot of the same bulding?" I asked.
"They're in a random spot of a random bulding, but the space between the lights is the sa- *static then mic cuts out*" Ron said before getting cut off.
On the left side of my screen, eight in game notifications appeared at the same time:
Headshot_sniper_Ronald left the game
LTBrandon6 left the game
Eagleboy901 left the game
Derpychicken495 left the game
Dolphinboy70 left the game
Sharkboy009 left the game
Nuke_man left the game
Cpt. One_shot_Sparks left the game
Wow. He IS here.
"Okay Herobrine, you've went through a lot of trouble to find me" I said turning out of a human form and into my more natrual robotic form. My eyes glow bright red, voice goes deep and synthisized.
"You have no idea how hard I've been looking for you, Entity_303" Herobrine said.

3rd POV

Herobrine's eyes glow bright white as he flys through Entity_303's computer screen breaking it. He grabs Entity_303 by the neck and slams him against the wall. Entity_303 easily gets out of the choke hold, pushes Herobrine of him, and shoots red lightning at him sending Herobrine into the office across the hall scaring the occupant. Unfrazled, Herobrine flys back to attack Entity_303. The force of impact against the wall causes the wall to give away. Fortunately, it was not a load bearing wall, so the roof didn't fall. However, they did interrupt an ongoing presentation and went straight through the glass on the other side of the room. They landed on the floor choking each other until Herobrine pushes Entity_303 with his mind sending Entity_303 into a fire extinguisher, blowing it up. The fire alarm sounds causing an even greater panic inside of Mörder Game Development Center. A fire has ignited where Herobrine and Entity_303 went through the wall. A natrual gas line broke and Sparks from the cut wire ignited the gas now burning the building from the insideout.
Herobrine and Entity_303 both throw lightning at each other, Entity_303's glows red while Herobrine's glows white, which then meets in the middle.
"Impressive, but you're still weak" Entity_303 taunted strengthening his lightning and pushing Herobrine through the floor.
"You're weak because you can't accept your own faults" Herobrine states bluntly. "It always has to be someone else's fault."
"You're weak because you refuse to use your powers as means of control and domination" Entiry_303 taunts shooting a fireball at Herobrine who easily telleports out of the line of fire. Entity_303 then flies into Herobrine and shoves his shoulder into his face, nocking Herobrine on the floor slightly dazed.
"You're weak because you had a family instead of joining me" Entity_303 savagely said scooping Herobrine up by the back of the neck and used his face to break through the floors and the roof. He then throws Herobrine down but he comes back up and throws a ball of lightning at Entity_303 who doges it.
"You gave up a lot of benifets going against me" Entity_303 taunted.
"Fick dich" Herobrine replied charging towards Entity_303 and concentrated all his powers. He grabs him around the the waist and flys to the ground at supersonic speed, emiting a glowing white trail behind him.
Apon inpact, Entity_303 explodes creating a mushroom cloud.
A pair of glowing white eyes can be seen through the smoke and dust before disappearing.
Mörder Game Development Center has burned to the ground.

The wild adventures of Herobrine: The story of July 1stWhere stories live. Discover now