The First of Many

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Chapter 1: A Very Late Time to Begin

The knock came in the middle of the night. I sat in my bed for a moment, clinging desperatly to the edges of the fantasy world I had just been so cruely draged out of, then blearily yawned and made my way down the hallway, listening as my parents did the same.

Most people would have hesitated before opening their door to complete strangers, but we lived in a town so small that stories of murderers and kidnappers and such were as much a fantasy as the evil dragon in a storybook. They simply didnt exist. So we opened the door.

I think my parents would have less surprised if they saw the dragon sitting on our threshold

Two tall men in black suits gazed at us from the porch. Actually, gazed is to weak a word to describe how those imploring men watched my parents and I. They glared through their large black sunglasses like we were the scum of the Earth, and they had the nasty job of picking us off their metaphorical shoe.

"Mr. nd Mrs. Quinn" the taller man monotoned, after stepping into our previously safe house without being invited. " We have a proposal for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2012 ⏰

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