Part 3/3

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 It's a natural high and I became hooked on the feeling. Ever since then, I only look back to analyze and calculate how I can make my life better each day. You should try it sometime. You may surprise yourself.

It's not just men. It's so easy for a group of women to get together and talk negatively about their relationships. Truth is everything they are going through, they attracted to themselves. It goes both ways, women abuse men women and children too. Abuse crosses all lines, it sees no gender, socioeconomic status, religion, it doesn't matter.

Many abused people are ignorant of the signs such as control, isolation, etc. Before they know it, they are caught in a vicious cycle of violence and dependency and don't know how to escape. They isolate their victims so that don't have access to anyone that cares about them and basically brain wash them. Turmoil begins when the victim start to fight back.

It's more common than you think.  

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