New Beginnings

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Claire's POV//
I was currently in the car looking out the window at the new environment we were in now. I'm 17 and my family and I lived in Los Angeles my whole life and I loved it until, now we're moving. I'm still very upset at the fact my dad decided to take the "great offer" he received and move us all out to the big city of New York.

Don't get my wrong New York City is nice and it's beautiful, but the fact I'm going to be a senior at a new school. The thing is the people aren't really in the mood to have more friends. It wasn't my idea of fun or do I think it is for anyone in my position I am in right now.

I'm sure my brother Dylan will fit in right away he's always had that charm people liked. It's not that I am weird or anything, because I'm not, I had plenty of friends back home that were perfectly normal, I guess it just was that I was shy and didn't know how to talk to people or to be honest I didn't really want to.

We were moving into an apartment. It was different in NYC. Back home we lived in a huge house with acres of land to roam around on. I remember as a kid I would run around the fields for hours on end picking up dandelions and feeding the birds. Here it was loud, taxis everywhere, smoke in the air and people yelling at each other from across the busy streets.

Our black Mercedes came to a stop at a grand building. I was shocked at how beautiful the entrance was. There was two huge granted pillars with shiny mirrors covering the walls. I couldn't help but stare. I opened my door and stepped out onto the side walk.

"Hello ma'am how are u this evening, may I take your bag?" a tall man in a black coat and hat with white gloves on looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Oh thank you." I whispered to him looking away shyly.

My mom always yelled at me for never making eye contact and whispering, it came off as rude so I tried really hard to quit the habit.

I rapped my coat around my body and walked up the steps as the kind man opened the door for me. It was just as beautiful maybe even more inside the apartment building then it was outside.

I took my luggage from the man and took the elevator up to our new home. I unlocked the door to the new home and walked in. I stopped and looked around, mm I guess Mom and Dad tried a new style this time around, it looked different from the old house.

I went over to the faucet and grabbed a glass out of the cupboards. My parents made sure the house was all ready to live in before we came. I poured the glass up with water and headed to my room with all my luggage. I liked my room it had a nice big bed and a huge window looking out on the city. There was a bench under the window, a perfect spot to curl up and admire the view.

I put my bags down on my bed and the water down on the night stand. I was exhausted and about to go brush my teeth to get ready for bed, but I was distracted by a bright red Ferrari swerving through lanes as cars horns went off all around the car. The car came to a stop right in front of my very own apartment building.

The car slammed its breaks and the driver opened up their door, out stepped a boy, he looked around my age perhaps a little older. He had white supras on and a black hoodie. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful he was.

Caught in my daze the boy looked up and made eye contact with me. As soon as he came he was gone and somewhere he left and was no longer in my sight.

I sat up and was still confused on who this mysterious boy may be and walked into my bathroom. I took out my tooth paste and tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I was too tired to change and take off the little amount of makeup I had on so I just went over to my bed. I untucked the covers and climbed in turning off the lights on the way. I pulled the covers up high to my face looking out the window as I fell asleep to replaying the moment of the boy looking at me.

(Ahhh ok this is my first ever fanfic!! I'm so excited to continue writing! So pls let me know how this was!)

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