A boring call sesh

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Lol this is a just cuz type of sesh. Hope ya like it.

You woke up at 5:10 am by a call from your best friend.

Caller ID:  Tamaki😈

"Hello? " you said groggily.
"HELLOOOOO, there is a party that the host club is hosting this Saturday. "He stated ever so cheerfully.
"YOU. WOKE. ME. UP. FOR. T. H. A. T!? You yelled through the phone but not loudly enough to wakr up your mother across the hall.
"Oh. Sorry i thought you would want me to give you thier numbers so that you could ask them to dance. " you knew automatically that he was smirking, you couldnt see it but you knew for a god dn fact that it was there. You sighed abd he continued.
"Soooo. I will take that as a "i surrender" sigh? Haha. Ok so i will text you the numbers and you handle it from there. The top one is HIKARU and the second one is KAORU. " he hung up and instantly you got a message. You clicked the first on and calles it instead of text so you could make sure it was who Senpai said it was.

"Hello? " oml he answered.
"Hellooo.. Is this hika, or kao? " you asked as sweetly and innocently as possible.
" this is hika, who is this? " you blushed and answered him.
"Oh sorry i got this number from Tamaki. Hehhheh. But since you actually answered then ig i will asked you if you would want to dance with me at the party? Oh and if Kaoru would want to aswell?. " there was silence and then you heard a muffled "yes! " sound, and you were answered.
" well i guess it would be ok. I mean Kaoru is ok with it so i am to. See you there " he hung up and you yeeked in your pillow to realize yoi were being girly and immediately stopped  and got out of bed.

Lol i am going to stop here. Sorry if my chapters are short i just want to keep you on your toezys.

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