Chapter 5

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Her body felt numb. She couldn't feel anything at all, neither could she bring herself to move. Her mind was frozen, unable to form any thoughts. It was like she had lapsed into some form of a limbo state. She had temporarily lost her ability to process what was happening, and could only stare at his hand, still waiting in front of her, like it was a Martian. 

And then suddenly he snatched hold of her hand with force. She yelped in surprise, her heart practically jumping out of her chest when she loosely but clearly felt the foreign touch of his skin. She had not even had a scant second to revel in the moment before he took off with her right away, pulling her with him as he dashed through the corridoors. They came to an abrupt stop when he ducked behind a large pillar facing the golf course, yanking her down with him. Breathing hard, they sat with their backs against the pillar. He constantly passed quick, furtive glances behind the pillar. 

She had no idea what was going on. Why was he seemingly running away, forcing her along with him? Oh gosh. Could he... 

"Please don't do anything to me," she blurted. "I'll pay you whatever you want!" 

He turned towards her, looking bemused. "You..." a look of mock horror and fascination passed over his face, like he couldn't believe she was for real. "You think I'm trying to abduct you?" 

"You're not? Then what are you -" 

"Shh!" he hushed her. They fell silent and sure enough, they heard the drum of footsteps behind them. Their urgent words identified them as paparazzi - "Darn! Where did he go?" "He was here a moment ago!" "I think I saw him turn that way!" They seemed to have taken off in another direction. The two waited until it was silent and they were certain that the paparazzi was gone. 

Greyson turned to her. "I wasn't going to abduct you," he clarified, an amused smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. She blushed furiously, but before she could say anything to save her face, he continued. "We can't stay here. We need to get elsewhere, ASAP." 

"But you don't have your car here," she probed. Her voice, even though it was still quivering with excitement, surprised her because it still sounded like she was taking all of this way more calmly than what she was really feeling inside. 

"Well, no," he furrowed his brows together, looking around. Then a sly smile crafted itself onto his face, and she worried what diabolical plan had hatched itself in his mind. "But..."

"Woooooooo!" he hollered once they were out of the country club, having slipped past the front desk somehow. Fortunately, it was a rather remote district. They probably looked like idiots, racing a golf cart along the streets and whooping at the tops of their voices even at the not-so-fast speed. She laughed and stuck her head out of the cart, feeling the wind whipping through her hair. Then she was reminded of the situation at hand and looked around apprehensively. 

"Aren't we supposed to be avoiding the paparazzi?" she implored. 

"Ah, they're probably still deep inside the country club," he grinned. He swerved wildly into a little nook where they wouldn't be seen, and screeched to a stop there.

"Yes, I secretly am an F1 driver," he proclaimed, thumping his chest when she stared at him in disblief after he had pulled off the little stunt. 

She rolled her eyes. "And the golf cart?" 

He shrugged. "I'll get someone to return it." 

She turned slowly towards him, eyes scanning him from head to toe. She still hadn't fully processed what had happened. 

"You're..." her voice was turning into a squeal. "You're Greyson Chance!" He probably thought she was high on helium. She fervently prayed that she would not lose further control of herself. Her heart was already hammering away madly in her chest . She clamped her hands over her mouth and squealed as softly as she could. 

"Whom you pawed..." he trailed off and coughed, obviously teasing her on purpose. The burgundy colour crept up all the way to the roots of her hair, and he chortled at that. 

"I wouldn't have treated you like that, had I known you were Greyson Chance!" she protested feebly. 

He stopped laughing right away, and she looked at him questioningly. Something shut down in his expression. 

"Are you okay?" she asked anxiously. "Did I -" 

"We'd better get going," he cut her off suddenly, getting out of the golf cart. He gave her a wan smile. "You should be leaving, anyway." 

"I -" she hesitated, unsure of what to say. 

"Goodbye," he waved carelessly, walking off. 

She stood there for a while, dazed, before rushing forward to him. "Wait!" she called. He halted and turned around slightly. 

She smiled widely at him. "Will I see you again?" 

He returned a half-smile. "Maybe." 

Uncertain of what he meant, she merely watched him walk away. She waited until he turned the corner before she broke into a victory dance and squealed until her voice went hoarse.

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