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"KENZIE HURRY UP COME DOWNSTAIRS BEFORE WE MISS OUR FLIGHT!" my mom yells very unnecessarily loud.

I rush down the stairs half my bags weighing me down.

" I don't even understand this shit,why do we have to move it's annoying." I say.

" because Mackenzie I u know I got a job interview. " my mom responds to me.

"Whatever mom lets go before we're late." I say walking out the door rolling my bags behind me.

"You're not gunna say goodbye to your friends?" My mom asks me

"Already did mother,lets go." I say hopping into the front seat of the Uber.

"Don't be such a judy moody Kenzie maybe you'll meet some nice new friends." She says smiling at me

I smile a false smile back and put in my earbuds and turning on betrayed by lil xan.

It wasn't long until we got to the airport the Uber dropped us off and we walked inside the airport.

We did all the bag checking and security and fun stuff like that then we boarded the plane.

I was hella sleepy,considering I did stay up all night googling schools in la.

I fell asleep on the plane and all I can really remember was my mom asking me if i wanted a sausage wrap but that's not important.

Once we got off of the plane we picked up the car we reserved at LAX and headed to our house.

When we arrived to our house I noticed there was a boy sitting down on the hood of a black bmw car he was kinda attractive,I wasn't looking my best so I pulled my hair to the front and adjusted my hood of my hoodie over my nappy hair. I pulled out my phone camera making sure I looked okay before stepping out of the car.

I stepped out of the car grabbing some of my bags. I glanced to the side of me and the boy shot a smile at me,we exchanged smiles and I walked inside the house with my bags.

"Woah,he's fucking hot." I thought to myself.

I walked back outside to get the rest of my bags to notice the boy leaning on the hood of my car.

I glanced at the door and saw my
Mom smirk at me and give me a wave before shutting the door.

I scoffed and I felt a soft thumb lift my chin,my attention was brought back to the boy.

"Hey I'm raegan." He says smiling

"Hello there raegan,I am Mackenzie or Kenzie." I respond.

"Nice to meet you Kenzie,were neighbors now." He says glancing back at where he lives.

"Didn't know that.." I say sarcastically

"What school you transferring to?" He asks between a laugh

"Hollywood high school." I reply to him

"Oh! I go there.I'll be seeing I you tomorrow?"

"Sure." I respond smiling

"Phone number?" He asks handing me his phone

I add myself as a contact.

"Okay then see you tomorrow  raegan." I say handing back his phone.

"See you Kenzie!" He says jogging back to his house.

I walk back inside with can I say a huge smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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