Chapter 1: Another Day

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It was another day of doing the things I love. It was morning. I had to prepare for a concert I was having in Toronto. I got out of bed and after taking a shower, I put on my shirt and grabbed my favorite gray fedora hat. I went outside. Phill, my best friend and the others were waiting.
The studio was only two blocks away.
The problem was, walking there every- day seemed really far...

"BRUNO~" screamed lots of fangirls running towards me!
That was why. Everyday I had to talk,sing songs,take pictures, and sign autographs
For my hooligans everyday.

I mean, I love my fans and they inspire me to keep on going but when times come that I need privacy,
It gets a little too overboard...
"Bye, Bruno~!"
"See you,Bruno"
"We love you,Bruno!"
"Please date me, Bruno~!"
Said my fans when I was leaving.
I waved back at my fans after all,
I WAS going to Toronto for a concert.
I continued walking and after a while...

I arrived at the studio.

Count On Me ( a Bruno Mars lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now