Chapter 15 - This was it.

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I wasn't expecting for the lights to suddenly turn on and Jimin's mother's to filter in but it did, and I can't do anything about it.

Shit, I knew I should have worn the goddamn wig for precautions but I didn't, I fucking left it in the room.

Know what the fuck am I going to do? I can't suddenly just say that Yoonji's fake older brother aka me, suddenly appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night hanging out with Jimin, like that just doesn't work.

"Jimin, is that you?" I could hear Jimin's mother said again, I didn't dare move.

She still hasn't noticed me (Which is confusing,) and out of fear and because I couldn't control it, my eyes started to turn teary.

What the fuck eyes? Not the time,

I could also feel Jimin freezing beside me, then suddenly a hand appeared in Jimin's shoulder and I stopped breathing altogether, hoping that the floor will finally swallow me up so I don't have to deal with this anymore, but of course, just like anytime, it didn't.

"Hey Jimin, are you alright?" I can hear Jimin's mother say as I watch Jimin being turned around to face his mother, though Jimin was as stiff as me at the moment.

"Hey Jimin, are you alright.....?" The queen said worried and confused as to why her son isn't responding to her and looking like deer's caught in headlights, "We've been looking for you, we saw you go o- Oh, who's this?" her voice said suddenly changing from worried to a curious one as her gaze wandered towards my back,

I gulped as I can feel her gaze penetrating my back as I freeze, not entirely sure what to do at this moment.

I never thought I'll ever get caught and that I'll eventually just tell them,

This must have snapped Jimin's attention since he suddenly jerked up like someone woke him up by throwing a bucket of ice at him,

"Uhh, Eomma! I didn't notice you here!" Jimin said in a panicky sound as he suddenly started waving at her mother to get her attention,

"I was just talking to you, how could you not notice me?" Jimin's mother said exasperated but her gaze never faltering,

And believe it or not being frozen in this position is starting to get tiring, then I hear light and slow footsteps coming towards me-

Holy fuck shit.

"Wait, eomma! We can ex-" Just then a hand was suddenly on my shoulder, weighing like rocks.

She gripped on my shoulder,

I took one last breath,

She turned me around,

I closed my eyes,

I hear a gasp before the air stilled, the sudden tension was so thick you could slice it with a butter knife.

"Y-Yoongi-ssi?" I can hear Jimin's mother say in shock, "Wha- Wha- What are you doing-"

"Eomma we can explain!" Jimin said in one breath as he suddenly brushed past his mother and quickly wrapped his arms around me, my head tucked underneath his chin as he stared at his shock mother, my eyes were still close in fear.

I clutched Jimin's t-shirt in fear as tears started to prickle in the corners of my eyes,

"Jimin what is the meaning of this?!" The queen said her voice slightly raised,

Thank God no guards were coming there way and it's only them inside the room,

Jimin held me tighter just as he was about to speak, his mother was quick to cut him.

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