Duncan X Courtney

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Quick author's note: I didn't have time to write in the past 2 months. Sorry!

They really match each other. It's funny, in the beginning of TDI they're presented as opposites, but overtime, in my opinion, they become the same. Courtney always seemed pretty bossy to me and that compliments Duncan because even though he doesn't want anyone to tell him what to do, he still likes it when she does it. It was really funny though how much she resisted him. In TDA, they start off really bad then develop a really good if, strange relationship. Even though Duncan voted her off and she tried to make him into her ideal boyfriend, they work things out. In TDWT, that's when things really started to go downhill. Courtney had just broken up with, and got back together with Duncan, when she started to notice all sorts of stuff going on between Gwen and Duncan. I personally was quite partial to Gwen and Duncan as they seem more alike and it was the first Duncan or Gwen relationship I saw. So I don't know if this is weird, but I ship both Gwencan and Duncney. I know deep down, Duncney is the more real relationship and that they just compliment each other. But Gwencan just matches. They look like they were meant for each other and have a lot more in common. TDAS is proof though that Duncney is the most likely to last ship of the two.

Side Note: All you Gwencan fans should know that the network suggested that they break up Gwen and Duncan NOT the writers, so don't hate on them too much (although it seemed as if they lost their minds in TDAS). Thanks for reading! :)

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