Beating Hearts

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Matthew shivered, clenching his eyes shut tightly, as a waves of pain, misery, longing, love, hate, anger, happyness, hurt, saddness, comfort, forgiveness, and hope washed over him. He gasped as he felt more emotions come back stronger, and stronger, till he shut the lid of the box. He panted leaning over the box, eyes still shut tight. Matthew sat up, Kumajiro nuddged him worriedly, grasping the lid once more "I...I can do this..." He slowly pulled the lid off again.

Russia scratched his head as he dug, once more through the pockets of his jacket "I could have sworn I put it in here...It did fall out at lunch..." he turned his coat upside down and began to shake it. Keys, money, photos, and wallets fell from the jacket, but to Ivans dismay, not his heart. He sat quietly on his couch "Mabey it fell out when I left..." he nodded "Yes...Im sure thats what happend...I'll just get it at tommorrows meeting..." He shrugged off the rest of his clothes as he walked up the stairs. Once in his room he threw on his PJ's, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.

The next morning Matthew sat up in his bed, and groaned. His head was killing him "Guh...Who knew putting your heart back in your body would hurt so much..." he coughed loudly, as he walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He made him self a cup of Tim Hortons Hot chocolate, with maple syrup, and checked the time "8:30...and the meeting starts at 10:30...Well I have time..." He turned fowards the table, and gasped at the sight of the small purple blanket on it. He walked over slowly unravling it "I-Its...Russia's....and..." he picked up the mended heart, holding it close to his newly beating chest, and smiled "...I understand why...I have this here...." Kumajiro walked into the kitchen "Who?" Matthew giggled "I love him...don't I?" Kuma looked at him confused "Who?" "Russia...I'm in love with Russia..."


sorry this one is so short ill make a longer one next ok? ok.

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