Slytherin house

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~Harry POV~

The rest of the sorting seemed to go quite a bit faster than before we got sorted. Partly because there were only the rest of the sixth years left and partly because the only thing Moine' and I could do was restrain Ron from giving all of the not-so-secret staring Hogwarts population a rain of dark curses and unforgivables. When the sorting was done we could basically feel the eyes of the school on us as I slipped out of my seat and began to walk to the Slytherin table through the other 'moving' students, Ron and Hermoine quickly following just a bit behind me which definitely didn't go unnoticed by the Slytherin table and caused a few raised eyebrows at the table of the eagles. When we almost reached the table we noticed that Dumbles was coming towards us. He looked at us with his annoying sparkling eyes and very fake grandfather smile, "Harry, my boy, what are you doing?" Almost the entire school looked at him like he had finally truly gone insane, which he probably had already a few decades ago. "I am going to my new house table, professor. " I basically drawled at him, "Now if you'd move out of the way I actually could do as instructed. Because we wouldn't want this little misunderstanding caused by your aged hearing come in the way of the very clear school rules would we now Professor Dumbledore?" The insult in the reply wasn't even that bad or anything worthy of my true self it was just so cunningly placed because if he said anything against it he would go against himself and his own rules and he bloody well knew it. "Very well, my boy. " He nodded in defeat but the twinkle in his eye was bright as ever when he walked away from the golden trio.

Walking the last bit to the Slytherin table we were getting both glares and curious glances before these changed into glares to after seeing the glare their prince send the new snakes. the only places left were right beside Malfoy and his cronies. Which ended with Hermoine and Ron sitting with their backs towards the rest of the school besides Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. The school seemed to suck in a breath when Harry Potter had to sit at the only available spot at Slytherin table right beside Draco Malfoy. I decided that he wasn't worth my time and just sat down without sparing him a glance and seeing as I couldn't exactly leave now to talk to Hermoine and Ron in private I decided to test something, Hermoine, Ron and I all speak Dutch, Danish, Spanish and Italian besides English. Now that it was still quiet it was the perfect time to see if anyone could speak any of these languages. "Hebben jullie ook gemerkt dat die oude gek dit jaar erg op een geit lijkt?" (translation: Have you noticed that the old crazy guy looks remarkably like a goat this year?") Moine and Ron perked up at the Dutch but a few Hufflepuffs and a Ravenclaw almost choked on air. No Dutch then, how about Danish? "Og hvad med vores favorit løve proffesor hun er bare ved at tabe de siste grå har hun må da falde dod hvert eneste ogeblik nu?" (And what about our favourite lion professor isn't she about to lose her last grey hairs and die any moment now?)Okay we got ourselfs a chocking Gryffindor nope. Italian perhaps? " Pensi germoglio può ingrassare ogni senza scoppiare?" (Do you think Sprout can get any fatter without bursting?) Blaise seemed to have a hard time suppressing his laughter. Ron and Hermoine though seemed to have gotten the point. Because next thing we knew Hermoine slapped Ron in the face and yelled in a beautiful Spanish accent " Qué! Tú me engañaste con snape idiota esperar hasta que yo diga a su madre!"(What! You cheated on me with Snape, you idiot just wait till I tell your mother!) Ron looked completely grossed out but the rest of the school looked confused. 

No Spanish students then. We switched to Spanish and talked about nothing for a while before Malfoy seemed to be tired of being ignored and hissed at us. "So Potter, a Slytherin huh what will the world think now? Perhaps you are crazy after all" He looked triumphantly as I turned my attention to him very unwillingly. "Look Malfoy, I've had a really tiring day and I strongly suggest you back the fuck of. Did you get that or do I have to bloody spell it out for you?" I hissed right back at him almost slipping into parseltongue as I did so. It was true though I had a very difficult day. first Malfoy on the train then the long sorting, all the staring, then Dumbledore and now also Malfoy again... Apparently, I zoned out because Malfoy waved his arm in front of my face causing me to glare at him dangerously. This seemed to shock the watching Slytherins because there was more venom in only my glare then the amount of venom Malfoy could possibly put into a thousand glares. "Mudblood, how many people did you have to sleep with to get into Slytherin." The look in Hermoine's eyes was enough to make even Bella look sane and with a hate for torture. Malfoy, however, didn't seem to notice this. "Why don't you listen to me and shut up Malfoy?" I said in such an icy voice that Moine' and Ron could easily see that I have got an exact copy of my grandfathers of. That seemed to shut him up, though Hermoine still had that insane look in her eyes. "Maybe you should take a walk around the castle Hermoine?" Ron suggested innocently. Smart Ron that was probably the best move to make right now. "Yes, I would love to see how if Skeeter is still alive in her glass in the ROR." She actually still had her in the jar, easy girl. "You do that Hermoine," I tell her. Once she was about to stand up I speak up once more. "Make sure to be in the Slytherin common room at 8:30 when the feast ends." She nods once then stands up nods in goodbye to Ron and I and stalks out of the Great hall ignoring the stares she is getting. "Do you think she really has someone in a jar?" I hear Parkinson ask. "Nah, probably not. She's a mudblood Pansy." Malfoy replied like that explained all. Ron and I just shared a knowing smirk.

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