Fun time Part 3

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Phil's POV:
I want to tell Dan I love him. I want to tell him I want him to be mine. Im gonna tell him, but I don't know how. Should I just go up to him? I'm gonna tell him today, I can't wait longer.How am I gonna get rid of kate though, just tell her I'm gay? I can't think of that now, I have to plan how I'm gonna tell Dan.
In Cooking Class:
Dan: This class is so boring
Max: I dont think its boring, I always cook with my mom at home.
Dan: We have church after school and I have nothing that looks good on me.
Max:I think everything looks good on-
Phil: Hey, Dan I wanna talk to you after school.
Dan: I c-cant I have church with Max.
Phil looks at Max and walks away.
Max: Whats his problem with me?
Ms. Christ:OK class listen up. Today we're gonna do a group activity,we're gonna make an omlet. I will assign you your partners and you will have 3 days to cook an omlet together.
Dan: -In his mind- Please let me get phil.
Ms. Christ: Henry and Phil. Kate and Krystal. Dan and Max
Max: Yes!
Ms. Christ: Excuse me Mr. Romeo!
Max:Sorry ma"am
Ms. Christ: Angie with Nicole and finally, Joe with Zoe. You can come here later and practice making your
Omlets.Also Phil I'd like to see you after school!
Dan:I hope nothing bad happened.

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