chapter 1 the beinging

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Image of Roman at the top

"Hey get you ass up Roman your going to be late" Dean said to me as I put the pillow over my head.

"No it's to Early for this Dean.....give me five....more minutes" I say as I fall back to sleep again.

"Your ass was the one that told me to wake you up this morning remember last night you said that you had some big client that you had to impress" Dean said as I open my eyes and jump out of the bed in horror.

"SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT DEAN" i yell as I'm running to the shower.

"It's 10:15am what time are you suppose be there Roman?" Dean asked while getting on his phone.

"10:30 Dean god I'm so fucked" I say as I get in the shower.

"Roman will calm down you'll be fine and plus your known for speeding...I'm surprised you haven't gotten a speeding ticket yet" Dean said chuckling while looking at his phone.

"I head that you asshole" I said as I exit the bathroom going to my closet getting my workout clothes and butting them on.

"You know maybe you should go there naked and see if the client will pay you more if he will let you fuck him" Dean said while stareing at Roman's ass.

"First of all stop staring at my ass secondly I don't need a man right now and the hell did you know that my client was a guy" Dean I asked as I finished putting on my outfit.

"Your phone was going off all last night so I opened it and saw the texts" Dean said while playing on his phone.

"Dean you know what this isn't over" I said while grabbing my keys and walking out of my apartment.


Shit it's 10:45 great how to start my day off being late for my client that may or may not bust me to where I want to be great just great......breath Roman breath you got's now or never I suppose.


"Hey Roman your client is over at the weights" Dolph said looking at me with a weird expression.

"Thanks dol....why are you looking at me like there something wrong with I'm wearing" i asked panicking.

"No it's not your outfit it's just..... something is off about you but I can't but my finger on it......oh I know now it's your locket I always see you wearing around your neck...where is it?" Dolph asked with a puzzled look.

"Oh fuck I left it at the house by mistake" I said looking real pissed off.

"Well it's not the end of the world Roman calm down...and I think you need to stop talking to me and go talk to your client" Dolph said eyeing Roman's client mysteriously.

"Oh shit I forgot talk to you later" I said to Dolph walking to my client.

"Hey I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting I'm Roman....and you" are I say extending my hand for him to shake.

"Seth and Your fine I was just doing warm ups I'm not in a big rush today anyway" Seth says to my shaking my hand.

"So what do you want to work on" today I asked him.

"Well I would love to work if you know what I mean" Seth said stepping closer to me with a look of evil in his eyes.

"I'm sorry what did you just say" I asked him in disbelief while stepping back away from him.

"You heard me I want you Roman...think of it as a ticket to get you were you want to be" Seth said walking even closer to me with a sinister look in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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