20: Trying to Leave

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Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but that's how it goes sometimes. And it's midnight-thirty right now, so I'm going to sleep pretty quick here. But I wanted to get this out there for my fellow nocturnal peoples. Chapter song is Hurricane by Bridgit Mendler. Well... the new character's song is Over You by Daughtry, but I'll explain that further in the next chapter. Feel free to comment, vote, anything. Enjoy!



I had a bag packed and was trying to quietly slip out of the Batcave the boys had procured while I was gone, but the place is a friggin' cornfield maze. I had made it to the kitchen before almost bumping into Dean, who was grabbing a beer. I backed up quickly and hid behind the corner.

For a few seconds, there was silence, then Dean shut the fridge and I heard footsteps growing quieter. I breathed a sigh of relief and swung back around the corner, only to bump straight into Dean.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I... uh... nothing," I dug around desperately for a reason to be up, but I couldn't tell him I was trying to leave without telling them.

Dean's eyebrows jumped as he looked at my bag. "Going somewhere? I thought we'd settled that."

Oh, okay mister alpha male. Screw not hurting your feelings. "Yeah, actually, we did settle that. I said I was leaving. So I'm leaving."

I tried to walk past Dean, but he stepped in front of me. "No, you're not. Where are you even gonna go, huh?"

"Presumably, to the front door, then outside," I snapped. "Let me by so I can figure out this stupid puzzle of a secret base and leave!"

Dean chuckled darkly and pointed to the other hallway behind me. "Front door's that way, sweetheart."

I spun around and speed-walked down it to find a library that opened up into what looked like a meeting room with a balcony.

Sam was sitting at a library table, but jumped up when he saw me. "Hey, Andy. Feel any better?"

Dean spoke before I could. "She's decided that she's leaving, Sammy."

Sam looked at me, disbelief coloring his expression until he spotted my bag. "Why?" he asked.

I huffed and started down the small set of stairs into the control/meeting room, headed for the door. "I don't have to explain myself to you two. If I want to leave, I can."

Sam jogged around me and stood on the bottom step, blocking my way. "But we're family, and you don't just abandon family," he tried, kind of desperately.

I scoffed, genuinely offended. "That must've been pretty easy to shake off when I was kidnapped and could've been dead. But you had better things to worry about than family, right?" Under both of their shocked gazes, I shoved past Sam and up the stairs.

I opened the door to reveal a black-haired boy, about six feet tall, in a blue button down shirt and jeans with blood spotting him thickly. His deep brown eyes sparked with hope when he looked at me and his jaw dropped.

"... Andrea?"

I let go of a huge gust of air that I hadn't realized I was holding.


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