PG x Reader part 2

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Hey guys its puppetmater and here is part two of PG x Reader plus I added a few new characters I hope you enjoy :3

(Y/n POV)
"I Woke up you got out of bed and took a shower and got change and looked in the mirror", " today is when I start  my job at Freddy Fazbear pizzeria " I washed my face and dried it and brushed my hair *sighs* as I walked down stairs to the kitchen I could see that my pet Mr. Midnight was still sleeping I sighed and had a sweet smile as I walk over to make breakfast I heard my phone ringed, I walked over and see who was calling it was Vincent when did he get my number I shrugged and answer it

Y/n : Hello?

Vincent: "Oh um hey Y/n can you pick me up? I left my keys in my car and the doors are looked".

Y/n : "Sure um where do you live"?

Vincent: Oh I live in (Radom address)

Y/n : "Oh ok I will be there bye ".

Vincent: " Oh ok bye Y/n see you soon".

(Vincent POV)
" when I hung up and got my got a piece of toast, and walked out and locked my door  I could see a motorcycle it stop the person took off the helmet it was Y/n ".

Y/n: hope on

(Vincent POV)
" she patted the set behind her I walked towards it she smiled and handed me a helmet ",Y/n: hold on ok ". "Oh um ok ".I held on her and we were off I could see the Pizzeria all ready /" Wow that was fast".she giggled ,Y/n: "Yep". As we parked we hoped off she walk up the door and walked in as I walked behind ".

(Y/n POV)
" As I open the door I could smell fresh pizza and I could Hera kids laughing and playing", Vincent caught up with me I smiled at him,he lead me to his boss's office I knocked in and in a deep voice a man said "Come in " when I walked in I smelled smoke and pizza", Boss:How can I help you young lady"?

Y/n:" Oh I'm here for the job here.

The boss:Oh I been expecting you Miss .L/n ,what would you like to take , the night shift or the day shift" ?

Y/n : " I would like to take the night shift ".

The boss: "Ok ,here you need to fill this and your the night shift is at 11am,to 6 am .don't be late ".

Y/n : "Ok ".

(Y/n )
" As I filled the papers and was about to leave but he said he forgot to hand me my security guard uniform".

The boss: "Oh what size are you"?

Y/n: Oh I'm medium ".

(Y/n )
He handed me my uniform and I left as I walk to entrance I saw Vincent flirting with a blond chick,but until I was about to leave the boss stop me and he said he need me to !e the other security guards ,I nodded and followed behind him as we walked I notice Vincent following us , I shrugged it off when we got there he called out the names",
The boss:Vincent, Scott, Mike, Jeremy and Fritz please com here
As they walked out  they all looked at me ".

The boss: "This is our new employee Scott and Mike can you please show Y/n around the place tomorrow".

"The nodded and waved at me I waved back with a smile ".
The boss:Ok Y/n you can go and get some rest I nodded and waved at them " bye " all: bye , I opened the door and walked to my bike until I heard a scream I ran towards the yelling and I saw a girl scream in pain while a guy pinning her down ", I attack the guy and punched him he fell to the floor I told the girl to run she ran away as I picked the guy up by his shirt he was surprise he tried to run but I kicked him" What makes you think you have your way with women?!" As I put him down he ran off I giggled and sighed" finally action "as I turned around the girl ,Scott, Mike Fritz, Jeremy and Vincent all stared I stared back I was surprise they all saw that but I shrugged and walked away but before I could the girl that I saved spoke up"Thank you , I would have been hurt or raped ", I nodded " no problem, well catch you guy later",when I left I could hear all the guys mumble "what a badass " I giggled and
got on motorcycle and put my helmet on but my hair was in the way I tied it and put my helmet and stared the engine, and drove off to my house, as I open the door and walked in I heard a meow I giggled "looks like your hunger (hey guys what do think so far good right oh the pet you have is a cat and its a boy ok back to the story :3)I closed the door and got Mr . Midnight a can of cat food he meow in happiness I smiled and open  the can an gave it to him" goodnight buddy" he meow like he was saying good night, I walked up stairs and opened my Ned room door and took of my clothing and but my PJs I walked to bed and fell asleep".

(Vincent POV)
When Y/n and me pared her motorcycle we walked up to the door ,and Y/n  walk to the boss's office I walked away and saw a cute blond chick she looked about 20 or 19 years old as I walked up to her she looked up and smiled,the girl: Oh hello there ,Vincent: Hi ~,as we talked and flirt Y/n walked out with job she saw me and shrugged but my boss stopped her , I couldn't hear what they said but ,she followed him I said bye and tag along she shrugged again and they stopped ", Mike,Scott, Fritz and Jeremy left the lounge and I followed by and stand by Jeremy", boss expanded how she was the new employee and that she would be shown around with Scott and Mike I kinda got bored and left as I saw Y/n leavening and waving goodbye when she left she turned the other way as I walked back the girl that I talked with was gone ,when I called out my boss and the gang they followed me out the door and to the alley we stopped when we heard Y/n scream" run!!!" When we got there she picked up the guy about twist her size we were shocked how can she pick someone that big and heavy she punched him and kicked him ,as she dropped him ,he ran off I looked back at the gang they had a shocked face when Y/n turned around she notice us and shrugged but before she can go the girl that I flirt with spoke up ,The girl:"Thank you I have been hurt or raped ",she nodded and left as she did I could hear everybody say " what a badass" when she I decided to go home rest for work, I headed to my purple car and left , I got home and opened the door and headed to bed".


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