The Ducks' First Win

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*Charlie P.O.V.*

We were warming up for our game against the Cardinals, and I overheard them call us weird. But I don't care what they think. Fulton shot a few practice shots and scared the other team, he scared me a little as well. Coach also came up with a new team chant too.

During the game Karp got hit in the helmet by the puck and passed out for a bit. Coach put Fulton in the game once Karp made it to the bench.

*After Game* *Gordon P. O. V.*

I went to visit Hans after the game. Two reasons, 1. I wanted to know where we were in the rankings, and 2. I wanted to know if Anna was telling the truth or not.

"The Hawks are a tough team. Nothing's changed since I played," I said to Hans. Hans chuckled and said, "Actually Gordon, it has changed. You wouldn't even be a Hawk now. They redrew the district lines last year. The lake is not the boundary anymore. You'd be a Duck."

"I'd be a Duck," I realized then that Anna was telling the truth.

-Hawks Visit-

"Coach Reiley," the district attorney said, "it seems two of your players are ineligible to play." Coach Reiley read the form, then, "Banks, yes both of you, come here." The attorney confirmed my statement once their father verified the address. "There is no mistake. These kids are playing for the wrong team," the attorney stated. "I told you," I heard Anna say to her brother and her father, "but no, nobody would listen to me."

"These kids should be playing for District 5, according to district rules that is," the attorney said. "My kids are Hawks, not Ducks," their father said. "Dad," Anna said, "I-I'm not a Hawk. I've been playing with the Ducks since Hans told me about the lines being redrawn."

"What," her father, Adam, and Coach Reiley said in unsion. "So that's where you've been disappearing to lately," Reiley and Adam said. "Yes. I've been disappearing to practice and play with my rightful team. Y'all know that I have to do the right thing. I told you and dad both, Adam, that we were playing for the wrong team, but you refused to believe me," Anna said, "And I'm going with Coach Gordan, our true coach. And to be quite honest, he is a MUCH better coach than you Reiley."

"We'll be expecting you at our next game, Adam. I'll have a jersey waiting for you," I said.

After that was settled, I left. When our game time came we involuntary forfeited, because the entire team left except Charlie, Anna, and Fulton.

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