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chanyeol's pov
I gulped, feeling slightly agitated at the erotic sight before me.

Eun-ha very quickly stood up from the hard tiles. Her knees were bleeding and she bowed profusely toward me, her hair flowing up and down.

"I'm sorry sir" she repeated the sentace multiple times before I interrupted her.

"It's fine, it's okay, but your knees aren't. Let's go to the school nurse."

"I'm fine." she bluntly rejected

"Your knees are still saying otherwise, come on, let's go, these things happen, it's ok."

timeskip (until after school)
eun-ha's pov

"I'm serious! It was so embarrassing!" I cried into the phone to my very gay, and very comforting best friend namjoon.
"There were my favourite pair! And really sexy!"

"Yaaas girl I sure bet they were sexy! I bet his mind was B-L-O-W-N! Honey, good job, you finally got the man of your dreams! I'm a proud mother!"
I frowned in disbelief at his the dirty words escaping his mouth

"Yah! Namjoon! Not the time for jokes!"

"I am 100% serious honey!" 

I groaned into my pillow again, after leaving Namjoon in an obvious smiling mess

timeskip (7 hours later)

"Eun-ha" he spoke.
Sweat beads travelled down his defined torso, and the waistline of his boxers rests just on the tip of his astonishingly well-carved v-line. His Adam's apple bobs up and forth in his neck and his collarbones are strained as he looks you up and down. His eyes are staring deep beneath your clothes and his eyebrows are arched in curiosity as to what is to come, and excitement. A sexy smirk is painted on his soft model-like skin and his hair is messy and wet from exhaustion of his previous work out.
"Eun-ha." He repeated,
"Fuck me." he seductively groaned.

My eyes lifted slowly...
A dream? Really? Man? Why? I sobbed to myself, slightly upset. I dragged myself upright and looked at my phone screen which was lit with a notification
"jeonjungkook.695 started a live video. Watch it before it ends!"

"No thanks." I muttered. "Why am I even following this guy?"
I unlocked my phone and checked my Instagram inbox


hello! this message has been mass sent to any girls (or guys- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ {LOL}) who I think would be interested in my discovery! Our sexy bio teacher's Instagram page! @chanyeolpark345! A blessing to us all! Thank me later! Xoxoxo


I hesitated, and then the thought "fuck it." Popped into mind. So I pressed the link and it brought me to a page.

It was an understatement to say that his page was beautiful. It was breathtaking. It was full of travelling photos from places he had been, and selfies, where his face looked so full of happiness and joy, that I wanted to sprint up and down my stairs 69 times over in order to shake his cute yet sexy face out of my head.

Subconsciously, I pressed the follow button, not caring too much as I was still too tired to think. I then collapsed again, before catching a glimpse of the time "4:20am"

chanyeol's pov
"aight aight aight! my higggghh boy!" Jackson proclaimed as he videos me laughing whilst puffing the joint. I grinned in bliss.
"420 blaze it up my boys!" he shouted and threw his camera over the scene of the 5 of us all, me, Jackson, Baekhyun, Chen and some randomer who Jackson brought along with him, who goes by the name "Bambam", getting quite high.

I relaxed into my camping chair and pulled out my phone. I was greeted with an Instagram notification
"Lee.Eunha.6745 has followed you."

I pressed on the notification and sighed.
"How did this girl find my @?"

I tutted and clicked on her profile.
Her posts were simple and cute, and matched her personality a lot. Oversized sweaters, coffee, cute animals and food etc. Pretty typical. Only that there was something about it that made me feel warm. It was her face. Had it been any other face, I would not have felt the same. But it was her face. The same face that I had the gift of seeing several times a week, and I didn't realise that I was smiling so much until Jackson called me over for some more weed.

In my drunken and high state, I couldn't help myself from feeling soothed by her overwhelming beauty

timeskip (morning of next day)
eun-ha's pov

I awoke to the sweet sound of birds tweeting, and stretched my arms up in the air. And I looked in the mirror before me. My face have completely ruined the sweet sound surrounding me. And the birds became muffled. I could almost even here a comic rumble of thunder in my ears as I looked at my face.

I unlocked my phone and then, the memories of the previous nights came flooding back to me.

"Shit. Tell me is was a dream. Please. Please have been a dream."

I searched for Mr Park's username, as I had remembered it, and sure enough, to my dismay, was his account. I quickly opened the page and blocked him. Nervous as to if he saw my follow or not.

"No... of course he didn't see... how silly of me. It was so early in the morning, no way could he have been awake at that sort of time, and, on a school night, as well!

I hurled my body out of bed and prepared for school.

timeskip (to bio class)

"Right, everyone. We will be looking at the process of hormonal ch-"
Mr Park's voice, once again trailed me into a beautiful land of rainbows and unicorns. I laid my head down on the table and watched his face as he answered the questions of students.

After the  class settled into the work, Mr Park looked over towards me, scanned the room, and shot me a wink.

My head was confused and full of noticeable awkwardness. I just laughed it off and focused on my work. Only that I couldn't focus. His voice was much too mesmerising for me to stay focused on some boring work about chromosomes and egg cells and sperm and vaginas etc, and so, once more, did I rest my head on my desk and look and Mr Park's defined features.

timeskip (to the end of class)

"Lee Eun-ha. Stay behind with me after school today. You drifted off, again."

I sighed.
Life really sucks sometimes.

End. Did you like this chapter?
{including notes and extras}: 1233 words

03:58 27/12/17 (British date and time)

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