Chapter 1

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Oh teach me how I should forget to think- Romeo


I nodded at the bus driver before stepping onto the sparkling pavement as I tucked my hands into my coat pockets I slowly strolled my way to the hall.

Ice lined the roads and walk ways and I sank my head into my coat as if I could hide from the freezing wind. The song was kept on repeat and I mouthed along with the words that I had loved just as much as the first time I heard them while at times carefully dancing to the tune when I couldn't contain myself.

I would slip a few times but never fell as I would regain my balance after a few moments of panic. Just before the song came to its big finally I jogged up the stairs thrilled to be greeted by warmth.

I hung my padded coat and scarf in the cloakroom and slipped into the bathroom as I was a few minutes early and I could not bare sitting alone while people stared at me.

I ran my hands under the hot tap to warm up then fixed my mousey brown hair that the wind had blown out of place. After scanning my phone for nothing in particular I entered the main room to see that nearly the whole class had arrived.

I sat next to Liam, we never had full conversations but I always made small talk between us to make things less awkward. Neither one of us had a friend in the group so our presence to each other was gratefully appreciated.

The giant clock at the back of the room turned to half seven and exactly on time Miss Murphy waltzed into the hall with a ginormous smile plastered across her face and as always the room seemed to fill with light as if her energy was the power source.

Once she had made it to the top of the room she read out the register and a sudden jolt of nerves came over me as I started to lose my calm demeanor realizing how close I would be from preforming in front of everyone.

I couldn't calm down and the thoughts were continually spirally in my brain where there didn't seem to have a end.

"Carla  Johnstone." Miss Murphy voice seemed to echo inside my brain. Most people were staring at me now, and I looked down mortified. Did I have something on my face, oh my god my mascara hasn't run has it?

"She's here!" Liam called. I had forgotten to speak, what an idiot. I looked up at Liam and smiled gratefully at him. He didn't reply but just nodded somehow understanding.

Miss Murphy silenced everyone a simple arpeggio and we all turned to her at the piano. "Right everyone, I hope you have all practiced for this big moment," and lowering her head for dramatic effect, she silently reminded us that "this could change your life forever."
People were buzzing with excitement but me, oh I was just proud I had came.

Lana had mentioned it to me thinking it would bring me out of my shell. I liked my shell though. Everything was perfect and in place, my friends, my family and life was somewhat controllable.

We were eating Chinese with my parents when she decided she would tell them about her "cousin" who attends here and it would be perfect if I joined.

Of course, my mum, who adored Lara since we were small children, took it all in and made me sign up. Everyone was nice and supportive but by the time I had came but no one had been new for months so already had friends and weren't looking for another to join.

Louise was the first to preform and you could see that she wanted it. Her face portrayed every emotion that the lyrics couldn't.

Her presence on the stage grew and she seemed to fill the room. She even moved and had created a dance to the song, which I guess she had learned the last time we had met up.

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