[32] Welcome to SM!

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Areum's POV-

Why the hell did I agree to do this?. . . I thought to myself as I began my first day of training at SM TOWN. Frankly, I wasn't too scared about meeting the other trainees, but I was more frightened at what kind of training we'll be doing. . . That and I was afraid of being used as a tool against Wanna-One. "Calm down, would you?," Sehun Sunbae, yes I am a respectful human being, sighed for the millionth time, "You'll be fine." How did we meet? Well! Long story short: The leader of EXO, Suho Sunbae, was supposed to lead me through the labyrinth you call the SM Building, but he had something come up so he pushed it on the Maknae! -_-

"Mian. . .," I apologized quietly. I suddenly remembered about what Luhan said about Sehun and Sooyoung being my relatives, and I wanted to ask him if he had any siblings. . .but I didn't because that man gives of the aura of someone that is very capable of killing easily! Plus, he's like. . . a good foot taller than me so. . . Woo!. . .

"Here we are," the maknae snapped me out of my monologueing (not a word, but it is now), and stepped out of the elevator; I myself, following after him. "You'll be grouped with the SM Rookies to see how well you fair against them," he stated coolly, "Don't be too over confident in your skills, and be humble towards them. They are technically your 'trainee sunbaes,'" he advised.

We stopped at the practice room door that read SMRG18, and he turned to face me. "If you need anyone to talk to, you, of course, have Mark and the other members of NCT, but there's a trainee named Lucas who's very nice. I think he's a year older than you too. There's also Hina. She's from Japan, and she's the same age as you," he informed. I gave him a look of curiosity, "Why are you giving me all these tips?" "Mmm. . .," he hummed, "Well. . . It's not everyday we get a new trainee, and we treat everyone here like family. . . And that 'everyone' includes you," he smiled gently. "Now!," Sehun clapped, "I have to meet up with the rest of my members for practice. Good luck on your first day!," he cheered me on, "Fighting!~"

"Fighting~. . .," I displayed a weak smile as my sunbae ran off to attend to his schedule. I released a deep sigh, "I didn't even have the guts to ask him. . .," and raised a hand to knock on the door. "What did I get myself into?. . .," I mumbled to myself in a pout, as I banged on the door three times.

It opened, which I was hoping it would not, and it revealed a young looking girl having features that resembled Gfriend's Yuju. "You must be the new trainee," she spoke maturely, "I'm Koeun! Come on in," the trainee gestured with her head, and I reluctantly af following her inside the room.

To my surprise, there were a few male trainees in the room with 6, including Koeun, other female trainees. "We've been practicing for SM's trainee concert," a girl answered, "I could tell you're a bit confused," she chuckled, "I'm JuYeon, I'm the oldest here." "And with that, introductions have begun!," a girl with cat like eyes chirped, "I'm Hina! I'm from Japan, and I'm these girls' main dancer. I heard you dance too?" I nodded hesitantly. Hina grinned with mischief, "I'll look forward to your skills then~" Another girl giggled, "I'm NingNing, and I'm from China. Don't mind Hina. She's just really competitive." "I'm YiYang," a taller girl spoke up softly, "Also from China, and the second oldest to JuYeon Unnie." "And that leaves me!," a very pretty girl spoke up, "I'm the youngest born in '03! My name's Lami." Well there goes my self esteem. . . I thought to myself How the hell does SM have all these visuals?!?!

"Alright so, JuYeon Unnie, Hina-shi, Koeun Unnie, NingNing-ah, YiYang Unnie, and Lami-ah," I repeated, pointing at each girl as I said their name. They all nodded in approval.

"Our turn," one of the boys grinned, "I'm Lucas." "Kun." "And you already know us!," the familiar voice made me grin. "It's nice to see you again, Ten and Jaemin," I smiled, "But why are you in the 'Trainee' line up?" Jaemin shrugged, "We're still recovering from injuries, but SM wants us to remain active so Soomin CEOnim asked if we wanted to participate in this Mini concert, and we jumped on the chance too!" "Oh, well that was nice of him," I said simply. "Mhm," Lucas hummed, "A few of the other NCT members will be joining us for this concert too as dance partners for the girls," there was a interesting glint in the boy's eyes, "And if I'm correct, I should be your partner?" ". . .," I stood there for a good second, ". . . I'm sorry. . . what?"

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