You meet Wolf Hardfinn!!!

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finnwolfhardofficial DM's you on instagram.

Finn: y/n I've noticed that you have a strange obsession with me.  And it seems that where ever i go, you follow. i love fans and all, but maybe you shouldnt shout "DADDY DADDY DADDY" as you crawl under the bathroom stall while im shatting in the toilet?

Y/n: oh kay senpai. Can we meet up at chuck E. cheese @ 1:78 pm???

Finn: sure. ill pick you up on my hoverboard. We'll hover over the h8ters together.

Y/n: kool[aid] see ya then BB. Bring sum lil debbies <3

Finn: ok why?

Y/n: youll see ;) 💦🥑

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