Her Insanity

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She ran up to me covered in stains the color of scarlet.

"Arctic, what's that on your clothes?"

I stared at her bright purple eyes as she gave me a smile.

"It's a secret."

I had confusion plastered on my face, but I shook it off as I picked her up and brought her into the living room.

"Well go change, then you could go and play with your toys. I'm going to be finishing the laundry while your father finishes his study," I placed her down never the TV and pulled a bag of blocks from inside the cabinet.

"Okay momma!"

I smiled at her before returning to the laundry room.

When I came out to set the clothes to dry outside, I stumbled upon a sight I ought to believe was unreal. I fell to the floor, dropping the basket full of clothing set to dry and just gawked. There sat a spider with its legs and arms torn and set in a neat row along each other on the door frame. The sight was disgusting and I barely realized who might've done this. I grabbed my keys to the car and drove straight into the parking lot of the pizzeria. It was barely 9 pm but all I care about was getting away from the demon that caused my daughter to do such things. I slammed the door to the car and stormed my way inside.

I went in the security room and discovered my husband was not there. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as my feet ran into the back room. There the father of my child stood in front of her and was reaching out for her. The gore that lay before her was nauseating to see, so I picked her up and ran straight for the car. I speed down the streets of the town, trying to get as far away from that monster.


"Yeah? Where are we going?"

My heart was aching with the words she spoke. I continued to go at top speed, not knowing a car coming at us from our left.


I woke up in a hospital bed, staring the plain, empty ceiling. I sat up and saw to my right Arctic lying on another blue bed. She slowly sat up and turned to look at me. Her eyes became foul and emotionless.

"Arctic... did you have fun playing with daddy?"

I shook the thoughts out of my head and stared at her sympathetically.

"Y-Yeah! It was great!"
My heart sank as she spoke those words, "I see." I walked over to her, and crawled into bed with her. I slowly brought her into an embrace as tears slid down my cheeks.

".... Mommy?"

"Yes, Arctic?"

"Why are you crying?"

"... No reason."

"How is the patient doing?"

"You mean our friend who came here three months ago with that little girl?"

"Well on the outside she's completely healed but psychologically she seems unstable. We don't have a psychiatric ward at our hospital... so for now, let's just keep an eye on her."

"Ah, and absolutely do not contact the girl's guardian yet, I can vouch for his ID."

"Sure but..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Well... Today... that girl.... Seems to have called her guardian.

The man I loved. My husband. The father of my child. A murderer....? My thought were all over the place as I stood near the ledge of the roof. My phone suddenly received a text and when I look at the sender, I screamed throwing my phone over the ledge. The images of the gore came rushing back into my head. The day of my engagement ran through my head. The words of my daughter rang throughout the insides of my brain. I screamed at the top of my lungs as images kept appearing inside my head. Just like the spider, I saw my body ripped and layed out just like that poor insect.


I turned around and saw Arctic standing there perplexed.

"Why are you yelling?"


"What are you doing up here? The doctors are looking for you," uttered Arctic.

"Arctic, did you call your father?"

She smiled, "Y-Yeah with a public phone."

"I told you not to do that!" I yelled out with tears pouring down to the floor.

Arctic stood there silent, probably down after being yelled at. She sank to the floor and looked down in shame. "I miss daddy..."

"He's not your daddy..." I huffed out.

Arctic looked up, shocked and confused.

"He's a demon...."

"A demon?"

"He's a demon!" I cried, grabbing Arctic by her shoulders, "He's not your father! That man is a demon!"

Arctic stood there still confused but utterly terrified as I screamed, "Father is a demon...?"

"What your father does is wrong! He does things, no person should ever do!" I wailed, "They have valuable lives just like you! Just like me! They have lives where they laugh at the good times, just like you and me!"

"But isn't that weird?"

I stuttered at her words, now confused myself why she would say that.

"They are just strangers anyway..."

I looked at Arctic who choose to look away from my gaze. "I'll ask you again Arctic...."


"Did you enjoy what you did with your father?" I looked up at her and she simply nodded. "Do you love your father?"


"What about me?"

She giggled, "I love you mommy! Even more than daddy!"

The tears streaming down my face kept coming down as I stood up, "I see." I pulled on Arctic's sleeve, so she would follow me. She contently followed me towards the ledge and happily hugged back when I brought her into an embrace. I pulled away and slowly lifted Arctic and placed her on the ledge. I looked up at her blissful face and that's when I gently pushed her.

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