Chapter 2

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"Seems like we have a new girl today. Want to introduce yourself?" Yet another teacher asked, by now almost everyone knew me so I just shook my head. "No thanks, sir." I looked down at my notebook and let my hair cover my face. There were whispers all around, mostly about me. I tried my best not to listen to them and just concentrate on what I was doing. My fingers were moving by themselves, the pencil making something come alive on my notebook. I let myself loose, wanting to just let everything out, on that one piece of paper. Today wasn't a good day. I sat in one of the corners. No one had dared to sit in front of me, or beside me. Alec was in the same school, somewhere. 

I glanced up to see the teacher frowning at me, probably because of my rudeness. He picked up a piece of paper and read my name aloud. "Ariana..?" His voice was unsure, as if he was seeing right through my act. We had chosen not to tell our real names, as usual, just as a precaution. I'd been able to pick my own name this time, I loved it. It was the name of my best friend in the last school. I nodded at him, confirming that it was my name. His frown got deeper. "It says here you have a brother..Markus? That wouldn't be Markus Illion now would it?" I sighed and nooded again, knowing what was coming. "Nice boy." Was all the teacher said, which left me surprised and confused. 

"Now, my name is Mr Dwais, that is what you may call me. And this," He gestured at the classroom. "is English Literature. You know that right?" I frowned, trying to remember if this was what I had chosen, since I had just picked the things that stood out for me on the paper at the time. I nodded after a moment which made him smile. "Now tell me dear, why did you chose this class?" I almost groaned at the question. I couldn't tell him the truth, that was for sure, so I just made up a lie on the spot. "I took this in my old school, and I thought it made sense to continue it." My face was expressionless, my voice flat. Mr Dwais simply nodded at me and started the lesson. I tuned him out immediately and continued with my drawing. I watched as a familiar face formed on the paper, and felt the painful tug on my unbeating heart. I crumpled the paper and put it underneath the table. Needing to distract myself, I closed my eyes and focus on the minds here, looking for Alec. I immediately heard everyones innermost thoughts and desires, which I ignored. I kept searching until I hit a wall.

I pushed against it as hard as I could, trying to get Alec to open up to me, but to my surprise, it pushed back. I frowned, Alec would never do that. I went back a little to see what I'd hit, or who. It was like us, but different. The mind was full of anger, sadness, pain, all negative emotions. The wall suddenly surrounded me, keeping me in, making me feel all the pain, sadness, anger. I growled at it, not liking what was happening, but I couldn't leave. So I just relaxed and tried to listen what the mind was trying to say. All I got was faint whispers and broken images, nothing made sense. After a while, the wall moved back and let me go. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran out, forgetting about Alec and just going back to my own self. 


I found Alec sitting in a dark corner in the cafeteria, just a drink in front of him. I glanced at the long line of humans, waiting to get their food and went to sit with him. I took out a huge soft cookie that I had bought before school and sat opposite Alec. He watched me, his attitude telling me he didn't care but his eyes told me he was surprised, normally we stayed as far away from each other as possible. "We need to talk." I mumbled to him. Aware of the many ears around us. He came to sit beside me, letting me lean on him. Closing my eyes, I put my head on his shoulder and concentrated on his mind. 

We are not alone here. I felt his body stiffen but stayed where I was. How do you know? I frowned and did a quick scan of the minds around us, I couldn't risk anything. There's a pack here. I hit one of their minds while looking for yours earlier. I could feel the growl rising from him so I moved away, just so I could look at him, to tell him to stop. He sighed then gave me a weird look. "Why were you looking for me?" I looked away, it was an innocent question, yet it made me feel stupid. "I was bored." I mumbled, still refusing to look at him, he chuckled and I bit my lip, stopping myself for justifying what I did. His eyes immediately went to my lips and I was once again reminded of my dream. 

I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts away. His eyes moved to other places while I felt someone glaring into my back. I turned to see who, and a girl, about fourteen, glared at me from the other side of the cafeteria. I could feel her thoughts from where I was and soon figured out who she was. I flipped back to Alec, forcing my breathing to slow down and my thoughts to stop. That image of him flashed through my mind and my eyes widened. No. Why here of all places? Why? Images of him and her ran through my mind, they blurred together and I could see the resemblence. Well, at least my time here definitely won't be boring!

Alec was looking at me, worried. He had seen the girl, and would most probably have figured out the same thing. I stood up, shakily, Alec did the same, not trusting what I was planning. He wrapped an arm around my waist protectively, which brought unwanted attention. "Scar, don't."' He whispered to me, so softly that I was sure that they wouldn't have heard it, which was his intention. I just shook my head and started walking, determined. He refused to let go of me and came along. Soon we were right in front of them, all of them glared at us and I gulped. I forced myself to stand straighter and detached Alec's arm from my waist. 

"What'd you want?" One of them practically snarled out. I didn't even flinch while looking at the girl straight in her eyes. "We didn't know this was your territory. We're here to apologise, and show we mean no harm." My voice was low, but sincere. She glared at me, while a ghost of a smile appeared on my face. Just like her father. "We still need to talk to your Alpha, as we're planning on staying here for some time." Her eyes widened a little, in surprise. "You're still staying? Why?" A male spoke this time, I turned to him and again was shocked. He looked exactly like him. I reeled my emotions in. "I doubt you're Alpha pup, we don't answer to mere puppies." Alec sneered, his arm back around my waist, afraid for me. The boy narrowed his eyes, and looked like he was about to say something, but the girl put her hand on his. 

"There will be rules for you to follow." She gestured all around while one of them made a loud slurping noise with their drink, just to prove their point. I smiled at the childishness. But then her words clicked in my head. "Trust me, we have our own resource that has nothing to do with this town." The wolves relaxed a little, but they still didn't trust us. "And what if your 'resource' runs out?" The girl, asked again. "Then its our problem, not yours." Alec answered, he was getting annoyed. I sighed. "Our resource won't ever run out, but if it does, we promise this town won't get involved." I answered, quietly, my eyes on her. She looked around at the pack, and I could feel their minds, they were having a vote, I tuned out, not wanting to invade their privacy. She turned to me.

 "Permission to stay, granted. Now," All of them relaxed and continued with whatever they were doing before we came, still on alert though. "tell me, what are your real names?" I turned to Alec and he shrugged. "Alpha huh?" I chuffed out quietly, she still heard. A frown appeared on her face. "Haven't seen many female Alpha's around, especially one so young." I told her, making sure she didn't take what I said the wrong way. She shrugged. "There was no one else."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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