Chapter 2

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The principle kept on talking and talking no one was paying attention. It felt like hours before it ended.

The time passed and it was already Lunch time my friends and I  found Lexy and the gang at the corner of the cafeteria and walked to them

"so any exciting things that happened in the first few hours" Lexy asked as we sat down at the the table

"Not much except if you find people sleeping through the whole math period exciting" Alisha said eating a ham and cheese sandwitch she bought

"so how 'bout you guys any weird things that happened while we were gone" Celia asked but all she got were 'not really' and 'nah's from us

we kept talking about our day when I felt people behind us I looked up and saw Lexy,Dianne and Jade shaking. so I turned around just to get water poured unto me. I wiped my face and saw the frats and populars looking at us with smirks on their faces

"so we saw that we haven't introduced ourselves... my names Niall I'm the leader of the frats" I recognised him as the guy who tripped me earlier. I was about to say something when a blonde girl talked.

"My names Madison the leader of the populars and honey if you ever mess with us you'll be sorry" I looked at the two and saw Niall's hand on her waist hm now that explains them working together I thought

"oh uhm Hi my names-" I was cut off by a loud bang I looked around and saw Louis, Tasha and Scarlett  at the entrance of the cafeteria looking at our direction with wide eyes before running to our direction

"Niall, mate! w-what did I miss...." Louis said nerviously

"Louis is there a problem you look tense" Niall asked curiously looking at him

"Hahahaha Me! looking tense why are you... pssshhh hahahah" he caught my gaze and I looked at him giving him the look saying 'you-are-the-worst-actor-I-have-ever-seen' and in return he glared at me

"Hey mads uhm how about we pick on the nerds later and seat on our table" Scarlett said

"hm I don't know picking the nerds is fun and I can spend time with my baby" Madison said giving a seductive look to Niall before kissing him. I almost gagged it was dis-gusting eww.

"what did you say" Niall said pushing me to our table. ops did I say that out loud...shit. In the corner of my eye I saw My siblings tense up. I swear if looks could kill Niall would be dead meat.

"Niall I don't think you should so that" the boy with the buzz cut said when he saw Louis tense up but Niall didn't listen he kept saying profanities at me and pushing me harder each time. I could see the four looking at Niall with fury on their eyes I gave them the look saying 'I'm fine don't worry' but then madison slapped me on the cheek.... hard

well that didn't help the situation did it....

In a flash I saw Avery and Tasha holding Madison by her arms with Scarlett ready to slap her but Niall quickly took her hand and pinned her down and two boys held Abery and Tasha. they were gonna hit them but Louis quickly move hitting them all making them drop the girls and pinning Niall on the wall but even if Louis was strong he was an eagle he didn't have much strenght in fighting so Niall easily pinned Louis and hit him. every hit made me more angry at him.

Niall was about to hit Louis again but I held his wrist with so much force that he winched in pain. he dropped louis and Scarlett and Tasha dragged Louis to my table laying him down for him to recover.

I looked at Niall with fury. I slowly leaned into his ear and whispered
"Never mess with my friends or else someone will get hurt and I assure you that it won't be me".

I then let go of his wrist and quickly made my to Louis to help him but before I could make it I felt someone running in my direction ready to hit me. So using my speed and strenght I quickly turned around caught his fist twisting it making him turn and kicked him which sent him falling into the ground.

And at the same time one teacher came in the cafeteria and saw him lying next to his feet his gaze shifted to us on the corner and yelled


well isn't this the best  start to the year.......not


Chapter 2 is done I'll try posting  new chapters every weekend but don't get you hopes up. tell me what you think about this story should I continue or not A out. Peace!

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