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Dacre's apartment after the last day on set.

"WE ARE FINISHED," Finn yelled.

"STOP SCREAMING Finny boy," Joe said.

"BITE ME," Finn yelled again and Joe gave him the middle finger.

"HOW ABOUT WE TALK ABOUT YOUR KISS YESTERDAY GUYS!" Natty shouted and everyone turned to look at Joe and I.

"What about it, bitch?" I asked.

"Give us the details," David said before crossing his leg over the other.

"I SAW IT!" Natty yelled.

"Oh here we go," Joe muttered.

"I FORGOT TO BRING MY TEA!" Finn said, before folding his legs too.

"Oh they held onto it," She said winking at me.

"What do you mean?" Noah asked.

"Ooo do tell," Dacre said.

"I had to shout at them to stop because the duffers couldn't get them to!" She clapped her hands.

"Oh you're dead, Dyer," Joe snapped, passively.

"You can't hurt a girl, Keery," she said, folding her arms.

"But I can," I replied, "and Natty I'm 5'8 and you're 5'4 I wonder who'd win?"

Natty picks up grapes from a bowl and starts throwing them at me.

I catch them and throw them back at her, she is defeated.

Dacre stood next to Natty,
"It sounded steamy," he grinned and put a grape in his mouth.

"That's right," I began, "you eat that grape, choke on it." I then scowled at him.

"Eggplants!" David shouted, everyone turned to look at him.

"Why?" Noah said.

"STOP," Finn yelled, face palming.

"Hehehe," David chuckled, and shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth.

"We kissed for longer so that the Duffers could choose different snippets of it so it could look the best it could," Joe argued and I nodded in agreement.

"LIES!" Natty yelled.

"Is it so hard for you to shut up FOR JUST ONE SECOND?!!" Joe asked.

Natty stood there pretending to be in deep thought before shrugging.

"Y'all are crazy," Caleb said, shaking his head.

"How about we watch a movie?" Joe asked and everyone nodded.

"Stop trying to change the subject Keery, you can't run from the truth," Natalia scowled.

"Please, stop talking," I said and she sat down on a beanbag.

Natty💗 & Lil boi Joe

You can't run from
the truth!!!

Lil boi Joe
Oh ffs

Please stop

Me and Joe both looked up at Natty at the same time, she dropped her phone down and pretended like she was watching the film.

We then turned to look at each other and rolled our eyes.

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