Serious Talk

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Toast woke up an hour later to the smell of cooking meat. He stumbled into the kitchen to find Jimmy cooking what appeared to be squirrels in a pot. He looked back and noticed Toast in the doorway.
"Glad to see you're awake. I hope you like squirrel stew because that's all I know how to cook."

Toast didn't reply, simply sat on the counter beside the stove. He watched Jimmy with vague interest. Usually he cooked, but that was because Ghost didn't know how, Jimmy however seemed perfectly capable of the task. This was fine because Toast didn't really enjoy cooking anyway.

It took him a bit to realize that Jimmy had taken off his hoodie to reveal a red shirt underneath. It occurred to Toast that he had never seen Ghost or Jimmy in short sleeves. His arms were covered in cuts and bruises. Not the kind of cuts you're probably thinking of. No, these were more like he had run through a field of thorn bushes without his arms covered.
"Does Ghost have all of those scars?"

Jimmy nodded his head.
"Yeah. We got them running from....."
He trailed off.

"From what?"

Jimmy stopped stirring the pot.
"This is done. See if you can find bowls and spoons."

Not in the mood to argue, Toast did as told and located two of each item. Jimmy poured stew into each bowl and the two of them sat on the couch to eat. Surprisingly, Toast found it rather enjoyable.

He considered what Jimmy had said earlier. What had he and Ghost been running from? Ghost didn't talk much about his past. He didn't remember much of his past. But Jimmy seemed to. Seems impossible if Jimmy were just some alternate personality of Ghost's. Then again, so does a different physical appearance.

For a while Toast had had a theory about Jimmy. He had to be some kind of Ghost or demon. It was the only explanation.

Toast was startled out of his thoughts by Jimmy messing with the old DVD player connected to the TV. It seemed he had found Gavin's collection of horror movies and he was attempting to watch the original Psycho movie.

Toast let out a sigh and went to help him.

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