I'll be here

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To the Enlightened.

There is no end. Even when the last drop of rain plummets to the brittle earth that had laid bare and dry for so long. Even when the deepest cavern collapses forever, when the last flower fades away to dust, never to bloom again. When the symphony seems to end. That piercing moment of pure pin drop silence that eats away at your soul. That quiet moment, when everything stops, and you have to ask yourself. Is this the end? Is this all that I was? All that the world was? But you see, silence itself is another new symphony. Sometimes a drop of crimson blood can be a good thing. For those who were never truly human, a drop of blood can mean everything; for those who long to be truly man, a tear of weakness can be as valuable as an act of courage. But even after the last source of light burns out, as it fades away, the darkness grows. It grows in this twisted version of scarred sanctity that we helped create. And when the pillars fall, there will only be rubble. Still then. I'll be here. Watching.

Watching over you. I'll stand and simply watch. I'll be listening. Observing. As you rebuild the ruins that resulted from the catastrophic decimation of your society. But it was all to be expected. The straw foundations of your society were simply unable to hold the golden facade that it promised. Then, like a waterfall, everything fell. Everything crashed into the soon tranquil, bittersweet, quiet lake you stand in. It all just plummeted, stripping you of everything that your surroundings placed upon you, all the burdens. It stripped away all the excess and left you with what you truly are, and you're appalled. But it's all somehow quite beautiful, to finally look truth in the eyes, to see what it really is. Laughing at the ironic lie of truth that you blindly believed before everything... Fell...

-Your truly, Deathless

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