War With A Dark Guild

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"Kage! Hurry up!" Esme shouted as she waited outside the Guild Hall. "I'm coming. I'm coming." He muttered as he walked up to her. The two made their way to the train station to leave for their mission.

After a while, the train stopped at a station and the two got off and started walking. Their quest was to retrieve something in a cave deep in the forest they were currently in. "Do you think it's buried treasure?!" Esme asked excitedly. "Could be." Kage muttered. "But I'm pretty sure it's just a jewel or a ancient weapon or something."

"That'd be even cooler!"

Kage suddenly stopped walking and listened to his surroundings. Esme noticed and gave her brother a confused look. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Someone's following us."

(~Time Skip~)

"Hello Hayden!" Mirajane greeted the Shadow Dragon Slayer as he walked into the Guild Hall. "Hello Mira, any word from my siblings yet?"

"No. But the quest is an easy one. They should be back soon." Mira said with a smile.

Everyone jumped as the doors bursted open to reveal a staggering Esme trying car and passed out Kage. Esme whimpered and fell to her knees, dropping her baby brother onto the wooden floor. "Esme! Kage!" Hayden yelled and ran over to them. Along with everyone else in the Guild. "We...were....ambushed." Esme managed to say before collapsing. Hayden caught her as she fell foward. "Help them to the infirmary!" Mira ordered.

Team Natsu got back from a mission and walked into the Guild only to find everyone was crowding around the infirmary door. "What's going on?" Gray asked. "Esme and Kage came back from their mission." A broken voice said. They looked over at Mira who was stood there crying. "They were ambushed by a Dark Guild. They were almost dead when they got back."

Lucy covered her mouth with her hands as she started to cry while the others looked shocked. "How are they doing?" Erza asked. Mira shook her head as her tears fell faster. "Esme's was severely injured and lost a lot of blood. Kage has caught a fever and on top of that he's also greatly injured. Hayden said that he has a weak immune system. Both of their magic was almost completely drained. We're all worried about they're recovery." She told them. Natsu clenched his fist in anger. "I'm going to kill whoever did this. I swear it!" He yelled. Lucy ran over to the infirmary and pushed her way through the crowed. Once inside, she could see both Kage and Esme were covered in bandages and unconscious in their white beds. Laxus and Hayden were doing their best to help Wendy with Esme while Gajeel and Pantherlily tried to take care of Kage's growing fever. The sight made Lucy cry harder.

Everyone had gathered in the main area and looked at Master Makarov who would stood on the railing of the S-Class floor. "A Dark Guild has willingly hurt members of our family! And I refuse to let them get away with it. So I ask you, are going to join me in teaching them a lesson?!" Makarov yelled out.

"YAH!" Everyone yelled back.

"I'm gonna burn their Guild to the ground!" Natsu yelled.

"You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" Gray added.

"Lets show them what happens when you pick a fight with Fairy Tail!" Erza yelled out as she requiped into her Black Wing Armor. The Guild yelled in agreement and started to leave the Guild Hall. "Gajeel. Would it be alright if I stayed with Kage?" Lily asked his partner. Gajeel nodded. "Yah. I was actually about to ask you if you could do just that."

"Hayden!" Mira called out making Hayden turn to his white haired girlfriend. Mira hugged him tight, not wanting to let go. "Promise me you'll be careful. I don't want you coming back in the same state as your siblings." She said. Her voice cracking. Hayden pulled away and gently cupped her have with his hand. "I promise. Take care of them while I'm gone." He told her. He then gave a kiss before running out with the rest of the Guild. "I promise." She whispered.

Lily sat on the bed next to Kage. He took the rag from Kage's forehead, dipped it in the bowl of ice water, and put it back on the boy's head. "Thank you for staying behind Lily. Me and Carla could use the help." Wendy said with a smile. "He means a lot to me and Gajeel. I want to help him get better." He said in a serious tone. Wendy and Carla smile softly at him before going back to work on Esme.

Fairy Tail practically broke down the doors as they stormed the Dark Guild. Spells were being casted all over the place and shouting was coming from everyone. "You kids take care of these guys while I go find their Guild Master!" Makarov ordered as he walked towards a room at the back of the Guild.

Hayden stood in the doorway of the Guild, staring at the ground. He could hear the battle going on in front of him bur he didn't look at it. Finally, his eyes flashed with rage and he slammed his hands onto the stone floor. "EMBARGO!" He yelled. Pitch black darkness moved from his hands and spread out across the Guild floor. As soon as the enemy wizards stood on the black floor, their magic was cut off and they could no longer cast spells. "Now!" Hayden yelled out again, and Gajeel and Laxus ran in from behind him and joined the fight.

Hours later, the last of the enemy wizards were brought down and Makarov returned from his "talk" with the Dark Guild's master. The tired and beaten up Fairy Tail Guild made their way back home with smiles on their faces. For they have avenged their fallen friends.

Hayden sat impatiently at the bar, waiting to hear from Wendy in the medical room. Mira tried to get him to relax. But he was to worried about his siblings. Everyone was. "Hayden!" Wendy called out. Hayden immediately stood up and ran over to her. "How are they? Are they alright? Can I see them?" He bombarded her with question. "Be quiet will you! Let her speak!" Carla scolded him. "I've patched up their wounds and healed as much as I can. Their magic has slowly started to return as well. Kage's fever hasn't gone down yet but with some rest he should be fine. Esme is awake though! Would you like to see her?" She told him. Hayden nodded and followed the girl into the infirmary where he saw Esme laying there smiling at him. "Hey there." She said, her voice airy. "How are you feeling?" Hayden asked as he sat by her bed. "I'm a little weak...and sore. But Wendy said that with some rest I can heal faster and get my replenish my magic." Esme moved her head to look at the bed across from her's where their baby brother was laying, still unconscious. Lily had fallen asleep on top of him.

"Wendy said that he's fine. They're just working on getting rid of his fever." Hayden assured her. "He doesn't have the strongest immune system. He's going to be sick for a while until it slowly goes away." She said with sigh. Hayden chuckled. "And he's gonna be pretty grumpy in that time too." He added.

"Did you guys take down that Dark Guild?"

"Yah. They would be trouble for us anymore."

"That's good." Esme whispered before yawning. Hayden gave her a soft smile and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Get some rest." He said. He then got up and walked over to Kage and kissed his forehead as well. "You better get well soon." He muttered and left the infirmary.

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