the beginning of the end

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, and felt more confident and happy, than ever. i could be myself without being shamed, nobody would weigh me down, i could go places by myself. he didn't trust me, and would keep me chained by his side. he would treat me like an item just to look nice while he shames me for being myself. he often told me i was lucky to have him because im nothing otherwise. he would try to make me do things i didn't want to do. we broke up today because he was gonna make me do something that not only i didn't want to do but would get me, and only me, in trouble. i slapped him, said no and walked away. he texted me later saying im an embarrassment. i texted back and told him he was a dick wad and we were done. he tried to guilt trip me but i wasn't taking his bull shit. i feel free and happy now hes gone. i will still see him at school sometimes and im not saying a word to that douche. 

at school the next day he looked sad and  really down. i wanted to know why but didn't care honestly. then later i found out why. his friends were coming up to me and asking me why i broke up with him. i tell them "would you stay with someone shaming you for everything you do, who doesn't care about you and just wants to look good?" their reply is always no, and i walk away. he came up to me after one of my classes and he tried to tell me to "come back i love you to much to let you go!" but he is full of shit and im not falling for it. im done with that asshole. hes gone out of my life.

im so done with him im not gonna talk about him any more. yeah he can burn in hell for all i care. bye bitch.

so it is short but imma upload every two days so :p hope you enjoyed ^w^ true love <3

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