Freaky Part 8

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The next moring

I woke up before Ricco and got in the shower. When I got out and when in the bedroom to do my hair and makeup. Ricco wasn't there. So I just did my hair and makeup. When I was doing my hair the door closed it was Ricco with breakfast. 

Sierra: Did you cook?

Ricco: Yeah and I didn't burn anything

Sierra: Good for you

I finish my hair and ate with him. 

Ricco: Do you like it?

Sierra: Yeah honey you did an amazing job

Ricco: Thanks babe

Sierra: I have to get dressed and do my makeup so I can go pick up Adym Jr

Ricco: Can you call your mom and see if she can keep him for the weekend

Sierra: Sure

Ricco: We will have the best weekend ever

Sierra: But I'm sick

Ricco: We can do stuff together

Sierra: Does it involve pillows and blankets 

Ricco: Yeah

Sierra: A pillow fort

Ricco: Sure

Sierra: Your the best boyfriend ever.

Ricco: Sierra

Ricco: I love you so much and you're the most beautiful girl I've ever meet. I can't imagine spending my life with any one else. Sierra Beuschel will you marry me?

Sierra: YES!!!!

I said while I started to cry. He kissed and then he put the ring on my finger.

Sierra: I love you Ricco

Ricco: I love you too babe

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