My Life With Tourettes

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What you are about to read is the story of my life, thank you for reading, and enjoy.

My Life With Tourettes

         Allow me to introduce myself. Hi I'm Kobe Evison, I'm 15 years of age, and I'm from Westlock, Alberta, Canada. I currently live in Sherwood Park, Alberta with my Dad, Step-mom, and younger step-sister. I was born on August 9th 2002 at 5:30 PM to Katrina Landry Boutin and Cory-James Evison. At the time I had a older brother Ryley who was 2 years old. 3 years after I was born my younger sister Ashlynne was born on April 25, 2005. Now me and her used to be best friends but now. Not so much. I mean we get along, but not the greatest. Me and Ryley on the other hand get along good. Most the time. Now being the middle child meant that I wasn't the youngest anymore. Ashlynne got all the spotlight, and I was left in the dark. I'm fine with that now but little Kobe, not so much. When I started school I would come home and want to watch some television but Ashlynne would always hog the TV. I never got to watch what I wanted. Same with Ryley. Now I honestly don't really watch TV unless the hockey game is on. Now I know you all are probably wanting me to get to my life with tourette's but this is. As I grew up my tourette's got bad. I would throw fights over little things and then my OCD would kick in and If something wasn't in place I would get in a bad mood. I'm still the same way but i've learned that if something needs to be moved just leave it. Growing up I always wanted things my way. I hated change. It wasn't my thing. I just wanted everything to be the same forever. But little did I know it wouldn't. My whole life would flip upside down. But I didn't even know it yet. In 2009 my parents split. My Mom and Dad sat all three of us down and told us that Dad was going away. And of course we all cried. To be honest. I had no idea what was going on. Time went on and My tourette's got worse. One time, and this still kills me inside to this day, one time for some reason I tried to hit my Mom with my hockey stick. I said "die bitch" and swong. But thankfully my Grandpa got hold of the stick before it hit my Mom. Now I don't remember this. But all my family tells me about it. They think I blacked out. Which I am thankful for, because if I remembered doing that I would have such a hard time living with myself. Imagine your family tell you that you tried to pretty much kill your mom. Terrifying right? Now that's just a little chunk of my life. There's a lot more so fasten your seatbelts boys and girls, because Its gonna be a bumpy ride. I never thought of what I had as a disorder I just thought it was something like the flu and it would go away. But it isn't. It is something that sticks with you forever. Mine isn't as bad as others but mine is tough to deal with everyday for me. Some days I wish It would just go away and never come back. I know now that it will never go away but that is fine because I know that it makes up who I am. Whenever people ask me what it is,  I can never explain it. So I just say it's something I like doing. For people reading this book that don't have Tourette's will never really understand how it feels to be called           names and made fun of because of the tics we had. I don't have much else to say about my life so far so here is some stories about the things I did when I was younger. In these stories my tourettes took over me. So here we go. When I had to go to the hospital, I really didn't want to go so my mom said if I go she will get me a magic kit. No w when I was younger I thought magic was the best thing in the world. So she brought me to chapters to get a magic kit. I was so happy. I still didn't want to go to the hospital though so what I did his I hid my stuffy under the seat and said I forgot it at chapters. My mom believed me and we went back to chapters to look for it. Little did she know it was under the seat.  I eventually told her when we showed up to the hospital. But since I knew magic I knew how to do little tricks {wink wink}. As my tourette's got worse my Mom didn't know what to do anymore. So she sent me to a hospital called the Royal Alec In Edmonton, Alberta. I stayed there for a month and a half. I never wanted to go. Every night I would sit and look out my window and cry hoping my Mom would come get me. I wanted to go home so bad. But then I would eventually cry myself to sleep. Then the next day came. I would attend school for a few hours then go play with the other kids there. I remember this one boy who I asked to borrow some lego from and he yelled at me for 5 minutes straight. It was kinda scary.  The only days I looked forward to there was tuesday and wednesday. Tuesday because that was pizza day, and wednesday because that was visiting days. And of course every visiting day my Mom would come. My Dad, not so much. No offence Dad. But I do remember my Dad bringing me a Nintendo magazine. I put the poster from it on my wall. So I would visit with my Mom, but there was one time I got a soup that had peas in it and oh boy did I hate peas. Well I hated the soup so I threw it. Yep. you're boy threw the soup. Classy. So that made my Mom mad. Well who wouldn't be mad. Anyways. I made some friends and started to like it. But then I was told I was going home the next day and man was I happy. So I got a good night sleep, I woke up packed my bags and got ready to go. But then they brought me back to this room and told me I had one more week. And I went back to my room and cried. My Dad was not too impressed either. But I thought well It's only a week. So the week went by and I went home. All was good. But them I got peas in my soup and get and all went downhill. I threw the soup in the fan. But that's nothing compared to some of the stuff I did. Not that it's a good thing. My Mom wasn't having a good day to start with and I got a craving for a chicken burger. So I asked and my Mom said later. But I wanted it now. So I said no! Now! My Mom said, Kobe I'll make it later. So then I got pissed. I grabbed a shoe for some odd reason, and out of nowhere I threw it threw the window. Then my Mom had enough. She told me I was going to stay with my Dad for three weeks so she could have a break. Ill admit. I want a easy kid. So then three weeks went by and I thought I was going back to my Moms but nope. My Dad said I was staying with him. Even though I remember every word my Mom said, like it was yesterday. So I ended up staying with my Dad. And I still am with him. So I went to a new school, got new friends and life was good. I even got my first girlfriend if it even counts. I never really acted up at my Dads because I didn't know what he would do. I didn't know if he would yell at me, hit me, or just leave me alone. But every time I went to my Mom's I would act up. I think It's because I knew how my Mom reacted. So I always did it. Now I don't act up as often almost never. So eventually my Mom moved to Westlock. The same town my Dad lived in. We used to live on a acreage by Dapp, Alberta but not anymore. My Grandpa still lives there but it's just him. Anyways, my Mom moved and I was happy. I seen her more and slept over often, but then we moved to Clyde. A small village of 300 people. Now it was about 10 to 15 Minutes away. But that meant I couldn't visit at night or anything like that. But I thought that was bad, now I live a hour away. I barely see my mom. Only every second weekend. Which still isn't that bad but it's not great either. So with my Mom being in town I got closer with everyone. Me and my siblings still fought but we were still happy. And my Dad ended up moving houses to this big house with a pool table and a laundry shoot. Which to me a laundry shoot was all I needed in life. I shared a room with my Brother, which actually turned out to be fun. Until he hid my teddy bear and I couldn't find it for weeks. I'm still gonna get you back Ryley! But eventually we got a new house. And it was ugly. But my Dad and step-mom , who's name is Shannon by the way, fixed it up and made it really nice, but yet again, we moved. We got a really nice house in Clyde that had a huge room, and guess who's room that was? Mine. Oh yeah. I got a queen size bed and going from a single to that I had no clue what to do with all that space. I had so much room to sleep. It was like heaven to me. And then guess what? Yep. We moved again. And I got the small room this time. Which I'm okay with. I guess. But enough of that. As I got older I started to get tics. One tic was so bad my neck could've been hurt. And I would bite my nails when I got nervous. It was bad. Then on top I would get super bad ingrown toenails that hurt to walk. Gross right? But now they're all gone. Thankfully! Now life with OCD, ADHD, ADD, and tourette's can be tough. At night when I'm trying to go to bed I'll remember something that isn't in place and I'll go fix it. Or if something looks weird I'll go look at it. It's just annoying. But you get used to it. Like I even have a night time routine. Some people would stare at me in school and think why is that kid doing that. When little do they know it isn't my fault. Its how I was born, but I've come to know that all of those things I used to do I couldn't control. Now it's easier. Not saying it's super easy but it's not as hard to control my anger and my OCD. Sometimes when I see someone just walk into a room and just go into their bed and sleep kinda makes me jealous. Because when I go into my room I always have to do the same routine over and over every night. It sucks. But if I don't do it I always feel like something isn't right, or somethings out of place, get it? Anyways. Life with all of these different syndromes isn't a hard life. You just need to adapt to it. Now to start of, my life beyond tourette's is hard. In 2013 I lost my Grandma. We were super close. Almost everyone was close with my Grandma. But not like us. We lived in a trailer beside her for so many years until we moved. But it was hard to deal with her passing because I didn't know what to do. I was just young. I was just going into grade 6. Now I'm in grade 10. The year after that, my great- grandpa passed away. Me and him were really really close. He was in the Military so we would talk about what he did and where he was deployed. We would also watch war movies and eat oatmeal raisin cookies. Mmmm those were good. But you get it. We were close. Closer than ever. And then a few years went by, all was good until I found out my Aunty Karen had passed away also. Now that pass summer I had gotten really close with her. Then she was taken away from everyone. My Dad sat me and my siblings down and told us. I had the hardest time, besides my Dad. But my brother and sister weren't as close to her as I was. So I became sad. I would sit up in my room and just wish it was all just a nightmare. But I would wake up the next day and realize that this is reality and I have to face it. Now those weren't the easiest years of my life. But the next few don't get better. So I lived In Clyde and I went to the school there. It was a K-9 school with about 3-4 hundred people. Not a lot. But I met this one kid on my first day named Waylon. Now I was scared so he came up to me and said hey. So I said hey back. Then we talked and he went to see his old friends. And Waylon ended up living a block away from me so we ended up being pretty close friends. I knew some of the other kids at the school from baseball. But one of them wasn't the nicest. I mean he wasn't a complete dick, but he knew how to piss you off. Now I was friends with him because of how small the school was. Theres like no one to talk to. So he made fun of me everyday but would always say, oh buddy it's just a joke. But to me, it wasn't. Everyday he would make fun of my weight. I mean I know I'm not the skinniest, but who cares? I play football so I'm not gonna be the skinniest kid out there. Now I would tell the teachers but that would only fuel the fire. He would say why did you tell the teacher and then make fun of me more. I learned to block it out. I would wish everyday for new friends. I wanted to know what it felt like to haves friends who actually cared about you and help you. Not just laugh at you and call you names. But with that I was depressed. I never really showed it. Sometimes I would but not often. On Sunday's I would just wish for the weekend to come back so I wouldn't have to go to school the next day. But I always went. I would hope I became sick so I wouldn't have to go. But it never happened. Then I met Brent. Still to this day he is still one of my good friends. Almost every weekend I would be at his house. Watching tv and drinking some coke. That was grade 8 me every weekend. Not the best thing to be doing, but it's what I liked. Now  there was a few months left of school and my Dad told me we are looking at moving to Sherwood Park. Now I hated that Idea. I thought it was just to take me away from my Mom, and even now I still think that. But I went to school and I met this kid named Zach. Now me and him are the same people. We like the same things and listen to the same music, and even play the same sports. So we became best friends, and still are. Now we found something we both love a lot. And that was a&w. So everyday for lunch we go there. We walk to the mall, only because we don't have our licenses yet. And we get a&w. Then I met Austin. One of my other friends. He can be a bit loud though. No offence Austin. But we became good friends too. And then I met Arnav. He is in my gym class. he's good at basketball and really nice. So that's how we became friends. I have more friends, but these are just my closest friends. And none of them like to make fun of each other or put people down. I mean sometimes we poke fun at Austin, but he knows were just joking. But all my friends are awesome. I'm doing well in school and I go to the basketball court a lot. And so right now life isn't bad. But I just wish everyone could be here. That's okay though. Even though I've had some ups and downs in life, all is still okay. Even with tourette's I've still managed to play sports and do things normally. Some of my friends don't even know I have Tourettes because I know how to control it so well. Sometimes I get really bad tics to the point where everyone noticed but they don't laugh or make fun of me. They just say oh that's cool. Or it's just who you are. Moving to Sherwood Park was hard for me. I don't like change. I was okay with moving until the day came. It was my birthday and we packed everything up. We were leaving the next day. So I had a hard time. I just wanted a normal birthday where I get to sleep in and watch youtube. But instead I was up at 8 in the morning packing. And that put me into a bad mood. I didn't want to help. I just wanted to lie down and watch some youtube. But I couldn't. It doesn't really matter now but I still wish I could of done something fun. But time went on and School started. I already told you about that so yeah. So I played football for the last 2 years and I wanted to play for Sherwood Park. Now my Dad said ask if there are spots left and we can see. So there were spots left and I told my dad. But he said we couldn't afford it at that time so I was pretty mad. I really wanted to play since football is the one thing I love to do. Besides sleep. But the team went on the win the championship and here's me just watching. Its whatever though, right? So hopefully next year Ill play. I wanna make the CFL. Which is the Canadian Football League. I wanna play for the Edmonton Eskimos, which is my favourite team. I've been to so many games. I've seen every team live besides Saskatchewan. But that's okay. So I guess this is where Ill stop. This isn't the longest book, but I just wanted to share my story. I once was almost on a show for my OCD and tourette's, but they never got back. I even had an interview and everything. They said I had a amazing and truly inspiring story. So I was hoping I would be on TV to share my story and maybe publish a book. But I never got the chance. I just want people to hear my story, and see what I've gone through. I am only 15 so I'm still young. But this is my story up till now. So I want to thank every single one of you who read my story. I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy life to sit down and read this. Thank you all.

– Kobe Evison

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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