Chapter 5

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Days went by.

Mephiles was heartbroken. Infinite walks up to Mephiles.

"What?' Mephiles asks.

"I uh..." Infinite starts.

"You what?" Mephiles asks. Infinite takes off his mask.

Mephiles stares at Infinite. Infinite kisses Mephiles.

Blush crosses both of their muzzles. The true was out for each other.

After the sweet kiss. Mephiles hugs Infinite. Both in love. Both happy.

"I love you" Mephiles says.

"I love you too" Infinite smiles. Regret had left his heart. Mephiles no longer heartbroken.

Eggman walks into the room. "I need help" Eggman says.

"With what?" Mephiles growls letting go of his love.

Infinite looks at Eggman.

We Are Powerful ( Mephiles x Infinite)Where stories live. Discover now