The Funeral

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Eren's POV:

I walk in the rain with the other members of the 104th Cadet Core and members of the other 3 regiments to Mikasa's funeral. I hold the umbrella shakily in my hands, as sadness and anger overtake my thoughts. I could have saved her... I could have done something... Words similar to those ran through my aching head, as I begged for it to rest. I let out a sigh, not one of tire, but one of grief. I can't believe she's gone...

Armin was acting similar to me, sighing, and looking restless. It has been over a month since her departure to heaven. There, she is going to see her parents again... as well as... my mom... The thought of my mom made everything worse. I take shakily deep breaths, trying not to burst into tears. I hold my head, and sigh once more. Can this day get any worse?

Sasha on the other hand, was eating a doughnut, trying to forget about Mikasa's death. The thought of her, made her frown, so she kept eating to keep from crying. 

Levi, was a bit sad, but who can I tell... Corporal Shorty never shows emotion... Did I just say 'Corporal Shorty?!' Eh... he can't get into my thought process anyways.

Historia, was crying on Ymir's shoulder, who held her close. That reminds me of... not even gonna go there... I sigh again, and look around more. 

 Connie has his head down, which tells me that he is in a deep thought process, just like I am. He is probably thinking the same thing I was thinking about a few minutes ago, how he could of done something. Poor Connie... he never even did anything wrong to lose so much...

Hanji was crying too, who was 'walking' with Levi and Commander Erwin. They were all grieved of a huge loss to humanity. I forgot to mention... Mikasa was humanity's second strongest soldier. She was always fast thinking, and that is why I am still alive... 

Reiner and Bert were walking with each other, and sending prayers to the gods to keep Mikasa safe in heaven. I know this because I overheard them, to make sure they weren't saying anything bad. If they were, I would ponce on them and rip the shit off of their faces. Nobody talks shit about my sister and gets away with it. NOBODY.

So, we are about to head in to the building. I held my flowers tightly in my hands, ready to put them in her casket and cry my eyes out. Armin comes beside me and places a hand on my shoulder. He was crying before, so his face was red.

"Look Eren... I know this is hard for you... but Mikasa is in a better pla-"

"WHERE IS A BETTER PLACE WHEN YOUR NOT WITH WHO YOU LOVE?!?!" I bursted into tears, with everyone staring at me. I fall onto the ground, covering my face with my hands, sobbing. Armin rubs my back and hugs me. 

"I'm sorry Eren... I didn't knew you felt that way about her...."

"Me neither...." I choke out between sobs. I continue to cry, so I stand up and pick up my umbrella and the bouquet of flowers. One thing that I took from her which I had on, was her scarf. I bought her a new one, so I could keep the old one she had on. 

*A few minutes later inside of the building*

I was the first one to go up to Mikasa's casket. I saw her beautiful hair, and pail white skin, which then triggered my eyes to cry. I take the new scarf out of my bag, and wrap it around her. While I was at it, I place the bouquet of flowers in her hand, and I lean in to kiss her forehead.

"Goodbye.... my love......"

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