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Chasity's POV

I was at the Rocky Hills Summer Camp when I met her. We were about 6 or 7, and in between kindergarten and first grade. We were swimming in the pool and having a great time, when she approached me. My first thought was "Hey, I think I've seen this girl before." I had, we were in the same grade, just not the same class. I didn't know this girl, though. She introduced herself.

"Hey! I'm Emily. What's your name?" I remember answering with my name, Chasity. The rest was history and we became friends in the blink of an eye. The thing that made us become friends was my lemon flavored water. I poured some in the cap of the bottle behind a tree and let her have it. We pretended to be dolphins in the pool and we played. The rest is hard to remember.

Now, it's about ten years after that. We're still best friends, and now we're in eleventh grade. I'm sixteen, turning seventeen February fourteenth. She's turning seventeen in August. August third.

Emily's POV

It's the first day of eleventh grade. I got out of bed at the usual time, six sharp, thanks to the alarm on my phone waking me from a seven hour sleep. I had stayed up a while playing video games with Chasity, specifically Don't Starve Together. I regret it now, but hey, too late to go to bed earlier. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a Blink-182 tee. I remember Chasity was the one to introduce me to this band. I sighed, and put on the new tee. Changing into black shorts, that went down to my knees, I made my way out of my room.

I had my phone with me. I put it down on the table and walked to the cabinet. I reached out to the Frosted Flakes, but I was too short. I walked to the wooden dining table and pulled away a chair. I placed the chair by the cabinet. I put one foot on the chair and stepped up, leaning over my marble counters and grabbing the cereal. I stepped down with the cereal in hand and walked to where I put my phone. Sitting down, I unlocked my phone and instantly got a call. The ringing surprised me but I calmed down upon realizing it was just Chasity calling me.

"The hell are you doing, calling me at six o' clock?" I had a mad facade, but I was really happy that she called.

Chasity's POV

I laughed at her immediate answer and responded quickly, "I'm seeing if you hadn't died of dread for the first day of eleventh grade. Back to high school will always suck, but I guess it's better than the first day of college." Emily said she had to go catch the bus, that she woke up late.

That is why I don't ride the bus. It is about a mile jog, but I'd rather take a 15 minute exercise with the benefit of getting to school than having to ride with a load of noisy mouthbreathers and have to wake up early!

After getting ready and having a little bit of a walk, I make it to school. Millwood High School is a perfect place to go if you want to get away from the big city. Just about everybody thinks about the city when you say New York, nobody thinks about small towns like Millwood. The town's a bit boojie and when you don't have much cash you can be frowned upon by your peers. Especially when you lived in an apartment, and the only other kid you know who lived in one is one of your best friends.

The school is loud, full of noisy teenagers. There's popular ones, goth ones, emos, the works. The highlight of my day is when Emily's around. I always see her when I first get into school, at her locker, with her navy blue, white polka-dotted backpack being shoved in her beige locker. Papers fall out of her messy bottom locker, but she doesn't mind too much besides a few groans.

She doesn't know it, but I want her to be mine. All mine. With nobody else. I feel like we have a special connection. The thing is, I don't want to tell her. Not because I'm afraid of being turned down, no; because I want to see her tell me first. I have the strangest feeling that she loves me back, and I know she does. She shows all of the signs. She's all over me.

I'm all over her, too.

In my happiest non-family times, her pendulous brown hair was always in sight. It ended right at the bottom of her breasts. It was a dark brown, a color I didn't particularly like, but that didn't matter.

She was Emily, also known as Egg, also known as Bitch. We would always hang out together, for the purpose of talking. Oh, and also for playing with little girl's toys, of course. Littlest Pet Shops. I collected them, and it was admittedly ridiculous, but I loved it. She was mine, but I wasn't hers. I was her's, in a different way. We were meant for each other.

"Hey! Egglet! C'mere!" I yelled from down the hall, charging at her full speed. I nyoomed into her and wrapped my arms around her, dragging her to the ground.

"Oh my God! Chasity! Jesus Christ!" Emily yelled. Then she started laughing with me. Our teacher, Mr. Smith, stared at us, then smiled. He knew we were good friends, but we were also good workers, so he let us do group projects together.
     Then there was Alex.
     He was my friend, he was in my class. He was one of two other kids with blonde hair in my class. I shouldn't be saying kids, but that's what we are legally, I guess, so it works.
     Nobody knows it besides Emily and I, but he clearly has the hots for me. I mean, I think I'm bi, but I don't like him back. His long, fabio-esque (but better) hair is awesome, but I'll pass. I just like Emily more.
     First period time. Fuck.

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