Chapter 1: Losing Jane

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Chapter 1: Losing Jane

 “Jane! Are you alive? How many times do I have to call your name?” Arianna’s shrill voice finally knocked me out of my daze.

“Uh, sorry Arianna. I was just-“ I responded, not really knowing what I was doing or thinking about exactly. All I knew is that these “dazes” were unfortunately becoming a regular occurrence.

“Whatever.” Said Arianna disinterested. “Mr. Meyers wants to see you. I take it that you didn’t do too well in your exam? Again?”

I groaned as I got up out of my seat and walked past her making every effort I could to ignore her as she giggled at my evident recent failure that was really none of her business. I was starting to get really annoyed with her smug attitude. I dragged myself up the hallway to Mr. Meyers’ office knowing full well that Arianna was right and that I had no doubt failed yet another exam.

I hated failing, and what made it even worse was that I wasn’t use to failing. I always made a point of getting good grades at school, especially in subjects that I actually liked. But no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I studied and received extra tutelage from my Father and Mr. Meyers, I just wasn’t cut out for this. And I knew that from the moment my Father told me of his decision to send me off to Business School to follow in his footsteps in the family business instead of living out my awe-inspiring plans of soul searching and travelling the country with my best friend, all the while doing what I loved to do most…  

What was it again?

Oh yes. Writing. A writer that hasn’t even put pen to paper for almost six months and the fact that I was dying inside with every monotonous day in a stifling, claustrophobic office filled with arrogant toe rags watching my every move expecting me to fall flat on my face wasn’t exactly cause for inspiration. Nor was having an overly obsessive, possessive, (to put it nicely) shit head for a boyfriend. Not only had my views on life gone a little skewwhiff but my whole ideals on love had also gone completely down the crapper.

I sighed as I reached the door to Mr. Meyers’ office, knocking quietly and awaiting the impending doom within.

“Come in.” I heard his low voice call calmly from the other side of the glossy, mahogany door.   

I entered the room to be met with the glaring sun dancing in through his large office windows, reflecting off the pale walls and white marble tiles to make it seem all the more brighter. Thankfully Mr. Meyers momentarily got up from his black, leather office chair, obscuring my view of the sun and preventing me from imminent blindness.

“Take a seat Miss Sebold.” He said, gesturing for me to take the chair opposite his own.

I slowly made my way over to the chair and sat myself down, Mr. Meyers following suit.

I was starting to get nervous and could feel my stomach doing backflips. Mr. Meyers was a reasonable man; he was nice enough, good-looking considering his age and very businesslike and professional. I’d always gotten along with him on a professional level but he was also a good friend to my Father as well as one of his business associates and I knew that any news of my uh, shortcomings would definitely be going straight to Father.

Mr. Meyers cleared his throat before beginning what I was sure to be yet another lecture on how “he knows I am smart girl but I am clearly not trying, or putting in as much effort as I could.” The problem is I was trying. Maybe a bit too much.

“Miss Sebold I’m sure you know why you’re here.” He said calmly.

 I groaned loudly hiding my face in my hands, all pretense of professionalism gone.

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