Welcome to the Jungle

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        Quick A/N: In this story Dean and Cas are Juniors (11th year for you Brits) and are 16, Sam is a sophmore (10) and 15, Gabriel is also a sophmore but he's 16. Lucifer and Michael are both seniors (12) and 17.
Just so y'all know, I'm typing this whole thing on my phone and not editing so I'm sorry for any errors. Let me know and I'll fix them.

             --Dean's POV--
I lift my backpack higher on my shoulders as I survey the still mostly empty parking lot. There were only a couple dozen cars in student parking. The door of my car slams shut as my younger brother Sam gets out.

"Careful, Sammy. Don't dent my baby," I admonish gently. I'm overly protective of my car. I helped my dad restore her and she's a beauty. A black four door, hard roof, prime condition 1967 Cheverlot Impala.

"Don't call me Sammy." Sam turns to look around the empty parking lot as well. "There aren't a lot of people here, Dean."

I shove off the car I was leaning against and take off in a brisk walk towards the dull gray, brick building. "We're twenty minutes early, Sammy, what were you expecting? A welcoming party?"

Sam follows me grumbling under his breath, "Jerk."

"Bitch," I retort as we approach the school. There are a few students gathered in groups, some standing in front, while several sit at a picnic table nearby. One boy leans against the side of the building, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. I resist the urge to cough as we walk past him. The boy watches us silently. For some reason his black clad figure unsettles me and I quicken our pace.
Sam doesn't have the same manners I do and coughs loudly as I pull the glass door open. I force my thoughts away from the boy and focus on finding the office. We manage to only take three wrong turns before finding ourselves in front of a tall, dark oak door. A small plaque outside announces it as the principle's office. Sam looks over at me, the anxiety clearly written on his face. I offer him a small smile meant to be reassuring before gripping the doorknob and twisting it open.

The inside of the office is like every other principle's office we've been to. A desk sits on one wall with a middle aged woman furiously typing on a computer. Opposite the woman is a row of chairs. A few paintings of oceanscapes hang on the walls.
I walk up to the desk and clear my throat. The woman looks up, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Can I help you?" Her voice is flat and begging to be allowed to go back to work.

  I smile at her, one of my signature charming smiles. She visibly softens but still looks constipated. "We're the Winchesters, new students. Just picking up our schedules."

The woman fumbles around with something on her desk. "Actually, Hester wanted a student to show you around. If you'll go in her office there," the woman points a finger to another door off to the side, "she'll make sure you find your classes. Welcome to Souix High, Mr. Winchesters. Welcome to the jungle."

She goes back to typing as soon as she finishes her speech. I look over at Sam who shrugs. Sam slowly stands up from his chair and takes a step toward the inner office. I quickly cut him off and making it to the door first. We reach for the handle at the same time.

The two of us fight over the doorknob, hands pushing each other away. Sam's hair falls in my eyes, rendering me blind.
"I win!" Sam says just as the door opens from the inside.

  "No fair, your girl hair blocked my sight. Cheating." The sound of a voice clearing yank us from their argument.

  A woman stands in the doorway staring at them, a small smile ghosts her lips. Her hair is a dull blonde pulled back in a Tight bun, and her blue eyes sparkle with amusement.

"You're the Winchesters? Come on in." We sheepishly follow her in, embarrassed at being caught in a petty fight. Hester, according to a plaque on her desk, catches sight of our expressions and laughs quietly. "Don't be embarrassed. I have brothers who fight over everything. I'm used to it." she waves a hand at two chairs in front of her desk as she sits behind it. "Now," she says as we sit down. "I have a couple students who have graciously offered to show you around, in exchange for a raise in grade. They should be here soon. In the meantime here are your schedules." She hands one to me, then Sam. I glance over mine then peer over Sam's shoulder at his.

  "Same lunch period! Looks like you're stuck sitting with me." Sam gives me a grateful smile.
Sam wasn't very good at making friends, he sat alone for the most part at our previous school. The door bangs open. Sam and I twist around in our chairs to see who came in.

  A shorter boy with shoulder length golden-blonde hair stands in the doorway. He's wearing a green canvas jacket and a sucker stick is in his mouth.
"I have arrived!" he announces dramatically. I instantly dislike him. Please don't be the one showing me around.

   Hester sighs. "Hello Gabriel. Would you mind showing Samuel here around. It's his first day." I silently thank whatever god exists that I won't be trapped with this annoying kid, but I pity Sam. "And be nice, or you're grounded." Hester adds. Gabriel sticks his tongue out and beckens for Sam to follow him.

  "Come on, Sammy. I'm always nice and only bite if that's what you're into. Hester's just a bully!" Sam's face turns red at Gabriel's innuendo, but follows him out.

  "It's Sam, not Sammy." The door closes before Gabriel replies.
I look over at Hester questionably. Where did she find this kid? And who talks to their principle like that?

  "He's my brother." Hester says, answering the question I didn't ask. "I have four brothers that attend here. A freshman, Gabriel's a sophmore, one in your grade and a senior. Maybe you and-" The opening door cut off the rest of her sentence.

  "Fergus, come in."
'Fergus' is a short, broad shouldered boy with short black hair. He already has a beard, despite the fact that he's only a junior.

  "I'll stay out here, thanks." He speaks with a gruff accent, British or Scottish. I can't tell.

"You just need to show Dean around. Thank you Fergus."
I stand up and leave the room. Fergus leads us down the hall, which is filling up quickly as students rush to grab their books before class.

"So, Fergu-" I begin but before I even finish saying his name Fergus suddenly turns around and pins me against a wall. It might've been sexy if I wasn't terrified and straight.

"Don't call me Fergus," he hisses. "My name is Crowley." Just as sudden Crowley drops me and continues down the hall like nothing happened.
How the hell you even get Crowley from Fergus?
I shrug and follow the volatile boy. I get the weird sensation of eyes watching me and glance back. The boy in black is leaning against a locker, eyes fixed on me. I stare back as he kept walking, I can't help it. The boy's eyes were the most insane blue I've ever seen.
So? What do you think? I'll try to update a couple times a week but that will depend on work and school schedules.
Peace out bitches. ✌

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