First kiss

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- you were out getting ice cream and sitting next to each other
- it was your third date ever
- you had a little on the top of your lip
- "y/n you've got a little something"
- "oh, is it off?"
- "no let me"
- he leans in slowly and kisses you softly
- "now it's gone"
- you blush like crazy

- you were at the airport leaving to stay with your auntie for two weeks
- he was with you saying goodbye
- "alright I'm boarding I've got to go" you wave to him and start walking off
- he nervously smiles as you walk off
- "y/n wait!" He runs up to you
- he does a bill denbrough and quickly kisses you
- the kiss was short and passionate
- he lingers when you pull away

- you were hanging with jack and his friend group for the afternoon
- one of the girls in his group Ellie was flirting with him the whole time
- jealousy took of you and you couldn't take it anymore
- you pulled jack a side to talk to him
- "what is it y/n? Are you ok?"
- you don't reply just smash your lips into his
- the kiss lasted a long time

- you hadn't seen him in ages due to him doing interviews for IT
- he was meeting you at your local cafe and you were waiting outside for him
- you see him approaching and run up to him
- he embraces you into a tight hug spinning you around
- you look into his eyes for a few moments and kiss him hard
- "wow I wasn't expecting that"

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