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I wonder why Craig hadn't texted me today? We had been dating for a while. It was coming up on our anniversary, but he had been growing more distant lately. He had been talking to me differently. Focusing more on his phone. Rain checking on plans we make. Getting snippy when I push the subject. 

He doesn't like it when I try to ask about it. I always thought the worst. I still do. When I told him what I was thinking Craig would just push it aside and change the subject. It hurts if I'm honest. I can feel him pushing me away. Not being open with me. 

I walked up to the door of my boyfriends house. Gingerly I walked inside looking around the empty living room. I called out "Craig you home?" I slipped off my shoes holding them a second before putting them by the door. The house was quiet. It felt wrong. It was too quiet for my liking. 

My footsteps sounded loudly in my head. So many thoughts ran through my head. Than I froze in my tracks at the sound of bed springs creaking and soft moaning. Please to any lord that may or may not be out there please say he is not in that room. I walked closer trying not to make a sound. As I got closer the sounds got louder and easier to make out. I could see my tremble as I reached for the door knob. 

The sight made my eyes widen. My heart felt like it stopped. Craig was with a girl. I froze the door only cracked open. The girl seemed to have spotted me. She screamed grabbing something to cover herself and pushing passed me in a hurry. Everything became a blur as I yelled at the person I had trusted for so long. "I should've seen this coming!" I grabbed the nearest thing I could and threw it watching it shatter. Craig sat stunned on the bed covering up his body with a blanket. He gained himself and stood grabbing clothes and causally getting dressed. He than walked up to me. I stood ridged not willing to meet his gaze. 

"I'm surprised it took you this long to find out." His voice was smooth. Completely unmoved by the fact that I just witnessed fucking a girl. "What?" I drew back gritting my teeth. Everything hurt and the world was a blur as tears ran down my cheeks. He shook his head. Who the fuck does he think he is? I took a deep breath to swing my foot at his knees before he could react. Pushing him to fall against the wooden floor. I stood over him kneeing his shocked face. "I've had enough! We are through Craig!" My throat burned as I screamed. He didn't respond or make a move to fight back. I kicked him again. Letting out pent up anger I hadn't known I had in me. 

The taller boys response was to swipe my feet from under me pushing me down and straddling my waist. Craig wiped blood from his face drawing back his hand to punch me square in the jaw. I cried out in pain holding my face. He spat getting off me and glaring down at me "Say anything about this to anyone and you WILL regret it." His leg swung back and he kicked me in the side growling as he left me in the room. 

I groaned in pain and rolled onto my side that hadn't been kicked. Sobbing I pulled my legs to my face and laid on the floor. I don't know how long I was there crying. After a while the tears stopped coming. I just lay there pain shooting through me more than just physically. I think I had fallen asleep. This is because when I opened my eyes again I was being carried bridal style by somebody. They smelled really nice and I leaned into their chest as they carried me silently. The smell was something I couldn't put my finger on but it was sweet and comforting. Allowing me to slowly fall back asleep. 

I woke up with a start. My head smacked against something hard. "Fuck!" I pulled my hair yanking my head forward. I looked around hissing. From what I could see I was in the back room of the Shop. The room was a mess of coffee and machines. I stood up still holding the back of my head. A note was taped to the door out. I walked over and took the note down reading the carefully written words. I couldn't recognize the hand writing, but I knew it wasn't Craig's. It was way to neat and precise to be his. 

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