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I watched Tweek for a moment waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. He just smiled, which looked somewhat forced.

"I was looking for you." He mumbled shuffling closer.

I frowned asking "Why? Are you alright?"

A sudden panic rushed through me. I held his shoulders as I looked him up and down. He flushed embarrassed by the attention I would guess.

"No, Pete I'm fine. I just. . " He trailed off again and I finished examining him slowly taking my hands off his shoulders. My initial panic fading only slightly.

"You just? You sure you are alright?" Repeating my question as I watched his face for any change but he vehemently shook his head.

"Really I am fine Pete." Tweek replied. I decided not to push the subject again.

"Okay, but you just? just what?" He frowned keeping his eyes on the ground.

"I. . never mind it's not important. I just wanted to see you." I sighed bring him into a hug against my chest. Ignoring my nagging urge to ask what is really going on.

"Let's get out of cold huh?" I asked. He mumbled some kind of agreement into my chest. I nodded pulling him away so we could walk to my place.

I took him the back way to the RV. The back way being through a thick wooded area along a small path. Not sure if I should really call it a path though. It was more a break in the small shrubbery. I take this path often. Mostly because I have yet to meet many people here. Sometimes there will be people, but not usually.

Today the whole forest felt. . . off. Tweek walked along side me. His blonde hair bouncing in the corner of my vision. I looked over my shoulder as a twig broke.

I grabbed Tweeks hand without looking, snagging it as it was at his swung by his side. I couldn't tell if he noticed my anxious gaze trailing around the foggy forest.

Tweek caught my gaze and raised an eyebrow. A silent question, I brought him closer and shook my head as whispers similar in sound to gust of wind erupted around us.

I didn't stop walking just made a move with my eyes and looked forward again. Hoping Tweek would understand. As the Rv got into sight the sound of footsteps following us got louder.
Squeezing my eyes shut I made a bolt to it, dragging Tweek along with me. He yelped but rushed with quick small steps to keep up. The forest came alive with the sounds of birds taking flight as whoever was following us broke through the trees. Breaking branches and crushing leaves as they started to pursue us.

We turned around the corner and I stood and struggled to open the side door. Cursing as I dropped the keys. It was than I realized Tweek wasn't next to me, and that was when he yelled.

I spun about spotting him just standing up again. I grabbed his wrist as a person burst through the trees near by. Running I opened the door and pushed Tweek in cursing as I closed the door again. The Rv shook as a body rammed the door.

"Y'all can't hide in there forever!" Someone jeered outside. A loud thud followed the comment making me grimace.

I peeked out the closest window watching more people stream into the clearing. Maybe six of them. It was hard to count.

I could hear Tweek's ragged breathing. I looked over at him. He was a mess, trembling were he stood mumbling something under his breath.

"Tweek, someone needs to chase them off before they tip this thing." That got his attention. Staring at me with big eyes for a moment before pushing me back from the door.

Tweek shook his head arms outstretched to block my way to the exit. His voice was quiet when he spoke. "No Pete, I won't let you put yourself in danger for me."

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