Lily Scissors

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Chapter who fuckin cares.

Right before Lily disappeared into the woods, she remembered something. Something she'd been wanting to do since elementary school. To the one person who'd helped her shape her into the woman she is today. After all, how else is she supposed to repay Margaret other than giving back what she'd done to Lily all these years.
She had such a mischievous smile no one would recognize before, it was as if there was not a care in the world, or order. Only Lily.
She made it there so fast, and stood in front of Margaret's front porch devising a plan to kill her, she couldn't help but think a bit, or more so she was having second thoughts?
'I wonder if her parents would notice. If they did, what would they do?' Then she paused, followed by a burst of laughter.

'Haha! Who cares! She fucking deserves it, that bitch. I think a new makeover is in order for her.'

Since she's been inside of Margaret's house before, for sleepovers from when their mothers would arrange play dates when they were little, she knew the family always had a spare key under that back door mat. She picked it up and unlocked it. It was quiet. And clean. Almost seemed like no one really lived here if you didn't know who these people were. As she was walking up the stairs she noticed the pictures on the wall, of Margaret and her family, from birth to present day. The way she went from a cute little girl to a popular wanna be bitch. Spoiled. Rotten. Bullying anybody that rubbed her the wrong way and coming home to her happy family as if she didn't make girls cry and guys insecure with being who they are. What a cunt. A fucking piece of human shit and Lily couldn't wait to get rid of her. She continues up the steps.
It took Lily a few tries to find Margaret's room sense it's been so long being inside of that house, but she found it. Making sure to lock the door behind her, there she was inside of Margaret's room, who was sleeping soundly without the littlest of notice to Lily standing just two feet in front of her bed, looming over her body with a crooked smile. Lily found herself hyperventilating again and soon letting out a quiet laughter. She was twirling her scissors wondering what to do with her first. So she chopped up her hair, purposely messy but she made sure not to wake her. But then she saw the light from outside the room turn on, and quickly hid in her bathroom.
The light then turned back off and Margaret woke up.
Margaret started for the bathroom and Lily didn't know what to do. She froze.
When the lights turned on and Margaret saw Lily she had a confused and worried looked in her eyes.
"Lillian? What are doing here?" She demanded, turning to the mirror, but before she could scream Lily closed the door and covered her mouth, with a pair of her blades to her throat.
"Shshshh, you wouldn't want to wake your parents right?" Lily giggled. Margaret's breath was shaking uncontrollably. And then tears started forming but she didn't dare move.
"That's good, stay just like this. You know what day it is today Margaret? Today's my birthday! one knew that..not even my mom or dad... you know what made it worse? Was when you kept taunting me today. Like you do everyday, like what you've been doing for almost all my life. Hahaha. Taunting me, bullying me, hitting me. Well guess what? Hehehe, That was the worst mistake you've ever made. You shouldn't have ever done that. You should have never messed with me Margaret " Lily stated with a deep vengeful tone.
She then started scraping off Margaret's hair roughly and quickly and didn't stop when she started bleeding and didn't stop she she started screaming through her covered mouth.
Margaret's eyed widened with fear and pain and all though she was screaming at this point and trying to pry herself out of Lily's arms, she didn't budge, it was like Lily gained strength. Strength only psychopaths had when they enter their sadistic zone of killing. But it wasn't long until her parent woke up to their daughter screaming through her bedroom. Her parents ran inside only to find Margaret on the floor wailing , with her head practically skinned and bleeding with only patches of hair left. The look of horror on her parents face was just delightful to Lillian.

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